Local view for "http://dbtune.org/jamendo/record/9972"

PredicateValue (sorted: default)
"7 Fool Moons 2/7"^^xsd:string
"<p><font size="2" face="Arial" color="#808080">The&nbsp;october full moon brings us the second chapter of &quot;7 Fool Moons&quot;, the innovative work-in-progress album by&nbsp;Fluydo,&nbsp;all in free-download.</font></p> <div align="left"> </div> <p><font size="2" face="Arial" color="#808080">This&nbsp;new song&nbsp;is about a love story. Sweetly narrated by Tico's voice, it's a&nbsp;bunch&nbsp;of empty and rumbling talk in the attempt of keeping together a relationship that seems to be&nbsp;falling to pieces.&nbsp;It is instinctive, animal passion: the one that's made of looks, sounds and...</font></p> <div align="left"> </div> <p><font size="2" face="Arial" color="#808080">This&nbsp;track is yet another product of the well-tasted&nbsp;collaboration with&nbsp;ICE ONE,&nbsp;one of the most respected&nbsp;dj-producers in Italy,&nbsp;showing&nbsp;off&nbsp;an elegant&nbsp;pad arrangement&nbsp;and&nbsp;booming&nbsp;rythms. Tico's bass rolls on, as&nbsp;Anto's guitar floats mellow in a clear&nbsp;tribute to Morricone's western moods. The funky coda, centered on a scratch-guitar solo,&nbsp;tells us that the pieces have been put together... in the&nbsp;oldest manner!</font><font size="2" face="Arial" color="#808080">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font></p>"^^xsd:string

All properties reside in the graph file:///var/www/sites/dbtune-rdf-services/jamendo/static-rdf/jamendo.rdf

The resource appears as object in one triple:

{ Fluydo, foaf:made, 7 Fool Moons 2/7 }

Context graph

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