Local view for "http://dbtune.org/jamendo/record/1429"

PredicateValue (sorted: default)
"V1.0 + Intercortes"^^xsd:string
"2006-03-21 15:11:12"
"<h1>V1.0 + Intercortes </h1> <em>[V03] - 2000 - <a target="_blank" href="http://www.discogs.com/release/8262">Discogs</a> </em><br /> Includes the two CDs plus Heaven says Move ( Reassembled by Vate) and Trip to Ensenada (Vate DF Mix). <h1><strong>V1.0</strong></h1> <p> <em>[V01] - 1999 - <a target="_blank" href="http://www.discogs.com/release/8261">Discogs</a> </em></p> <p>This is a compilation from the works done between 1996 and 1999, simply made tracks, with no apparent conection between them, but finally with certain common ideas between them: political issues (Country not for you, Seis segadoras verdes, Ultras) and points of view related to some feelings (the rigid serenity of Disciplina against the violent game of Breaking Glass II). </p> <p> <strong>1 Ultras (1996)<br /> </strong>A track wich is only based on long samples with some cinematographic appeal. It reminds of an imaginary scene where many ultras (left or right radicals) run through the streets (could be in any city) beating and kicking anyone who gets in their way (could be a policeman or a three year old child). The extremes touch at one point, as happens with the ultras. </p> <p> <strong>2 Country not for you (1996)</strong> <br /> A fast and repetitive rhythm leads us through some speeches from Kennedy and Nixon, edited so we can understand their real intentions. Kennedy, in the name of many world leaders shouts that this country is not for us at the time Nixon about what he really liked from in the Vietnam war. </p> <p> <strong>3 Club (1997)<br /> </strong>A progressive track with distorted guitar samples </p> <p> <strong> 4 Motor (1997)<br /> </strong>There is a huge influence from the instrumental works of Kraftwerk and Alan Parsons. This song needs to be heard while making an imaginary trip thorugh an industrial park watching the machines, the trains, the ships, the smoke emerging from the chimneys, the rusty metal, the oil and the engines. </p> <p><strong>5 Disciplina (1997)<br /> </strong>A slow progression with a treated guitars that resembles the middle east. After that, the track speeds up like a military training in wich the work rhythm raises up with force. There is one thing that helps to undertake this pressure: Discipline. </p> <p><strong>6 Treading Gravity (#1 station mix) (1999)<br /> </strong>Reconstruction of an original track from Universal Beat Embassy. From a good Progressive House, it becomes into a series of breakbeats with some fragmented voices and a different pace. It worths listening to both versions. </p> <p> <strong>7 Seis Segadoras Verdes (1998)<br /> </strong>It is closely related with the tale of the same name, in wich appears an utopical Mexico in the year 1999.</p> <h1>Intercortes</h1> <p><em>[V02] - 2000 - <a target="_blank" href="http://www.discogs.com/release/8260">Discogs</a> </em></p> <p align="left"> <strong>M&uacute;sica para intermedios</strong></p> <div align="left">Intercortes fue ideado originalemente como m&uacute;sica para intermedios, peque&ntilde;as piezas que oscilan entre composiciones musicales y experimentos sonoros. Gran parte de los intercortes se basa en el sampleo de fuentes externas como discos, radio y televisi&oacute;n. Muchas fuentes han sido procesadas y retorcidas digitalmente. En general fue un buen ejercicio de modelado de sonidos con base en restos de otras voces... </div> <p align="left">M&uacute;sica para intermedios, cortos auditivos formados de recortes de piezas recolectadas en un basurero. Ensamblado de sonidos, voces del <a href="#1">Primer Mandatario</a>, <a href="#2">dB</a>'s extra&iacute;dos con <a href="#3">impunidad</a> de otras fuentes. <a href="#4">Proceso de ensamblado de la Mujer Azul</a> con facciones de Mary Shelley. Se le implantan exclamaciones robadas de un <a href="#6">Manga</a> y poses de <a href="#7">Vicious &amp; Rotten</a> ( tambi&eacute;n algo de Beethoven como contrapeso.) De las corrientes suaves del <a href="#8">drenaje</a> (el llamado &quot;underground&quot;) saldr&aacute;n fabricantes de mujeres azules dispuestos a contaminar las aguas de la gran corriente (el llamado &quot;<a href="#6">mainstream</a>&quot;).</p> <p align="left"> <a></a><strong>1 El Primer Mandatario </strong><br /> (experimental pol&iacute;tico)<br /> - Lapsus verbales del primer mandatario<br /> - Ruidos entrecortados de borregos<br /> - Voces de adhesi&oacute;n de otros pol&iacute;ticos... </p> <p align="left"><a></a><strong>2 dB </strong><br /> - Abreviatura de decibel<br /> - Sampleos tomados de otras fuentes, destazados y reorganizados en una pieza coherente...</p> <p align="left"> <a></a><strong>3 Impunidad </strong><br /> (experimental &eacute;tico)<br /> - Un discurso sobre la impunidad<br /> - &iquest;Lamentos?</p> <p align="left"><a></a><strong>4 Proceso de ensamblado de la Mujer Azul </strong><br /> (experimental Industrial)<br /> - Corriente el&eacute;ctrica<br /> - Golpes propios de un taller de manufactura<br /> - Taladros, osciloscopios, soldadores....</p> <p align="left"><a></a><strong>5 El Pecado Mainstream </strong><br /> (Drum n' Bass radiof&oacute;nico)<br /> - Voces tomadas de la gran corriente. &Oacute;rdenes sutilmente disfrazadas de sugerencias: &quot; Es muy importante que ustedes de jalen para ac&aacute; con nosotros&quot;<br /> - &quot;Est&aacute; en todas partes&quot;<br /> - &iquest;De que forma se puede estar en la gran corriente sin pervertirse?</p> <p align="left"><a></a><strong>6 Manga </strong><br /> (experimental japon&eacute;s)<br /> - Recortes auditivos de un comic japon&eacute;s</p> <p align="left"> <a></a><strong>7 Vicious &amp; Rotten </strong><br /> (jungle + punk + romanticismo siglo XIX)<br /> - Sampleos de Beethoven versus sampleos de Vicious y Rotten</p> <p align="left"><a></a><strong>8 Drenaje </strong><br /> - Paseo subterr&aacute;neo por una cloaca </p>"^^xsd:string

All properties reside in the graph file:///var/www/sites/dbtune-rdf-services/jamendo/static-rdf/jamendo.rdf

The resource appears as object in one triple:

{ Vate, foaf:made, V1.0 + Intercortes }

Context graph

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