A simple XSL for transforming the results of the Echonest Analyze API to Music Ontology RDF.
Original file: analyze-example.xml
Transform: echonest.xsl
Results: analyze-example.rdf
The resulting RDF can be queried using SPARQL. For example, the following query selects starts and durations for extracted structural segments (eg. chorus, verse, etc.).
PREFIX af: <http://purl.org/ontology/af/> PREFIX event: <http://purl.org/NET/c4dm/event.owl#> PREFIX tl: <http://purl.org/NET/c4dm/timeline.owl#> SELECT ?start ?duration FROM <http://dbtune.org/echonest/analyze-example.rdf> WHERE { ?e a af:StructuralSegment; event:time ?time. ?time tl:start ?start; tl:duration ?duration. }I tested this query with Roqet and ARQ.
The outputted RDF is designed using the Music Ontology, the Audio Features ontology and a small Echonest ontology extending the latter.
RDF could be automatically extracted from the Echonest Analyze results through GRDDL, by adding the following:
<Analysis xmlns:grddl="http://www.w3.org/2003/g/data-view#" grddl:transformation="http://dbtune.org/echonest/echonest.xsl"> ... </Analysis>
Author: Yves Raimond