Table for the 61 triples with object Hanneke van Proosdij sorted by label

?:Harpsichord suites of Chambonnieresfoaf:maker
?:performance 2718ns1:performer
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?:performance 2733ns1:performer
?:performance 2734ns1:performer
?:performance 2735ns1:performer
?:performance 2736ns1:performer
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?:performance 2747ns1:performer
?:Suite in C major - Allemande le Moutierfoaf:maker
?:Suite in C major - Allemande le Moutierfoaf:maker
?:Suite in C major - Courante Irisfoaf:maker
?:Suite in C major - Courante Irisfoaf:maker
?:Suite in C major - Gigue la Verdinguettefoaf:maker
?:Suite in C major - Gigue la Verdinguettefoaf:maker
?:Suite in C major - Sarabande de la Reynefoaf:maker
?:Suite in d minor - Allemande la Loureusefoaf:maker
?:Suite in d minor - Courante - Double de la Courantefoaf:maker
?:Suite in d minor - Gigue la Madelainettefoaf:maker
?:Suite in d minor - Pavannefoaf:maker
?:Suite in d minor - Sarabandefoaf:maker
?:Suite in d minor - Sarabandefoaf:maker
?:Suite in F major - Allemandefoaf:maker
?:Suite in F major - Chaconnefoaf:maker
?:Suite in F major - Chaconnefoaf:maker
?:Suite in F major - Courantefoaf:maker
?:Suite in F major - Sarabandefoaf:maker
?:Suite in G major - Chaconnefoaf:maker
?:Suite in G major - Double de la Courantefoaf:maker
?:Suite in G major - Double de la Courantefoaf:maker
?:Suite in G major - Giguefoaf:maker
?:Suite in G major - Menuetfoaf:maker
?:Suite in G major - Pavanne Entretien des Dieuxfoaf:maker
?:Suite in G major - Sarabande Jeunes Zephirsfoaf:maker
?:Suite in G major - Sarabande Jeunes Zephirsfoaf:maker
?:Suite in g minor - Allemande dite laffligeefoaf:maker
?:Suite in g minor - Courantefoaf:maker
?:Suite in g minor - Giguefoaf:maker
?:Suite in g minor - Sarabandefoaf:maker