Table for the 1 triples with object "The members of somadrone have known each other since they were teenagers and have shared many experiences in different bands such as Mary's Attic, Stain Glass Buzz, Ulterior Vision, Undermind, and Lucid. These bands were all from the same tight knit small town local scene in central Massachusetts. Nathan Richard and John Hodges, on drums and bass respectively, have been jamming together for over a decade at this point having been the rhythm section in both Mary's Attic and Stain Glass Buzz. They continue to create a rock solid bottom end. Cree being the former drummer for Ulterior Vision and Undermind has now switched things around and shares the responsibilities of adding ingredients to the smoldering guitar stew with former Lucid guitar player Nathan Erickson. Scott has put in his vocal tones with Stain Glass Buzz and Lucid in the past and continues to be up front now doing his thing. During a down time after Mary's Attic and SGB had long been disbanded, John was bumming and looking for a project to be in. During the same time Cree had come back from California after a short stint as drummer in the band hint and was looking for something as well. Through a common friend, the two found out about the other's situation and got together to jam. From there, John thought it would be cool to bring down former Lucid guitarist Nathan Erickson and former SGB drummer Nathan Richard to join in on the jam sessions. After jamming for awhile in a 12' x 12' room in Cree's basement and coming up with the structure for some songs, Nathan Erickson brought down Scott Brown to round out the band that is now called somadrone."^^xsd:string on predicate ns2:olb sorted by label
