Table for the 59 triples with object "2005-12-04"^^xsd:date sorted by label

?:abbey rhodesdc:created
?:A shadowdc:created
?:Bellow (sic) by Ashwandc:created
?:Below (Acappella Mix) by Thomasdc:created
?:Below and Beyond by shockshadowdc:created
?:Below-DU-first-remix by deutscheunschulddc:created
?:Below-DU-remix by deutscheunschulddc:created
?:BelowLambourgino-teru-remix by terudc:created
?:Below Linda Barker Mix by Ashwandc:created
?:Born of a silent sundc:created
?:Cleaning His Gundc:created
?:Cuckoo (Liquid Ambient Cloud Mix) by Sharpdc:created
?:Cuckoo (passive-aggressive mix) by hisboyelroydc:created
?:Cuckoo Remix (feat Alex Myla on guitar) by Rudiger Lippertdc:created
?:Driftwood, Surf, Sanddc:created
?:Fare Thee Welldc:created
?:From Insult to Injurydc:created
?:Invention No. 1dc:created
?:Invention No. 2dc:created
?:Invention No. 3dc:created
?:invisible pantsdc:created
?:Jesus says 'Tada!'dc:created
?:Laying Down Loungedc:created
?:Love Bird (featuring Lisa DeBenedictis) by callmeyangdc:created
?:Night Is A Placedc:created
?:No presidentdc:created
?:Posters and shagdc:created
?:robot suit idc:created
?:smithee's seconddc:created
?:South Fallsdc:created
?:Stranger From Below by Trifonicdc:created
?:Structured Emotions by James Margettsdc:created
?:Tall People, Big Ideas (teru Remix)dc:created
?:Tango Cacafuegodc:created
?:The campdc:created
?:The Cuckoo (Bittersweet Remix) by oldbriandc:created
?:This dry earthdc:created
?:Till My Cup Runs Overdc:created
?:Topping Offdc:created
?:U Meaning Udc:created
?:Unaffected (Below Sleepless Mix) by OakHonourdc:created
?:Up and Downdc:created
?:Vernal Equinoxdc:created
?:Walk Like Medc:created
?:wet dogdc:created
?:wreck of the zephyrdc:created