Local view for "http://dbtune.org/magnatune/artist/zilla"

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PredicateValue (sorted: none)
"live, improvised electronica"^^xsd:string
"Zilla is a Colorado based trio of musicians with the live musical experience in mind. A 100 percent improvised creation, each Zilla concert proves to be a completely unique occurrence, with even the band members having no idea where the music will take them on any given night. Relying on their ability to listen to one another to create a hyper-focused form of live electronic dance music, Zilla is dedicated to spreading their rare breed of beats, bass, and "uncontrollable musical fury," and keeps up an incredibly active live performance schedule. Their goal is that each performance reflect what live music should be all about: spontaneity, flow, groove, and a damn good dance party. Zilla is comprised of three seasoned musicians: Michael Travis, Jamie Janover and Aaron Holstein. Zilla's constant focus is to create a whole, complete sound devoid of fragmentation, tangential wandering solos, and other characteristics that plaque improvisational music today. The music strives to serve all those participating, including the audience. No one in the band has any idea what is going to happen a nanosecond ahead of time; they rely on their instincts and musical history together to create a sound that rarely strays from its intended direction. The collective whole is truly the dominant force in this band. The music itself is a plethora of grooves, beats and highly percussive breaks, which cause the listener to become engulfed within the sonic vortex of sounds encompassing them. From down-tempo to jungle, from trip-hop to break-beat and trance the band plays on pure emotion, so each night is different and varied, and no song is ever the same. Zilla is about being as aware as humanly possible in the moment. The band plays, the crowd reacts, the band reacts and so on and so on. A cyclical paradigm is created in which everyone plays a part. A whole new form of tension-release music has been created in which the music never has to resolve itself in order to sustain the mood. It merely adapts, evolves. It's been said that Zilla is the ultimate live experience - future music. The music plays the band, and not the other way around. Zilla is currently touring in support of their latest CD release, Egg. Their infectious energy has crowds from North America to Japan dancing up a storm to a completely new brand of live musical experience. Musician Bios Michael Travis (drums, percussion, keyboards, sampler, mallet Kat) has spent over a decade as the driving percussive force in the nationally popular band, The String Cheese Incident. Travis continues to be an innovator of improvisational drumming, managing to play hand percussion and melodies while simultaneously keeping incredible time with the kit. Aaron Holstein (bass, keyboards, sampler, vocals/vocoder/beatbox) has had a long and lush musical history, playing guitar with bands such as Boogie Shoes and VibeSquad. Holstein's progression has transformed him from the notion of a typical guitar/bass player, to an applauded adapter leaving behind the traditional notions of what it is to “jam” with a guitar or bass. In the process, he has focused on bass and keyboards and has decided to leave the guitar at home in order to more fully serve the Zilla concept/sound. Jamie Janover (hammered dulcimer, Mini-kit, electric kalimba, mini-sitar, sampler, percussion, tamboura, tongue drum, water) is a world-renowned hammered dulcimer innovator whose long list of band credits is more than impressive. Winner of the 2002 national hammered dulcimer championships, Janover continues to expand the limits of all his instruments by creating a fusion between their timeless sounds and the pertinent call of today's modern dance scene."^^xsd:string

All properties reside in the graph file:///var/www/sites/dbtune-rdf-services/magnatune/static-rdf/rdf_dump.rdf

The resource appears as object in 27 triples

Context graph

The server does not have the graphviz program dot installed in PATH. See http://www.graphviz.org/ for details.