Local view for "http://dbtune.org/magnatune/artist/wolves"

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PredicateValue (sorted: none)
"meditative, multi-instrumental acoustic trance"^^xsd:string
"A seasoned musician and performer, Christopher of the Wolves travels continuously around the world to play music on the more than 20 different traditional instruments he's mastered over the last decade. His meditative compositions are a seamless, soothing blend of harmonic and acoustic channels, played on an ever-changing lineup of instruments including didgeridoo, djembe, and talking drum, as well as the gopichand, udu, and hulusi?a Chinese bamboo woodwind dating back to the time of Buddha. Christopher began crafting his distinctive form of playing over ten years ago in Portland, Oregon, where he took an African drumming class for fun and discovered he not only enjoyed it, but had a talent for it as well. Gradually over the years, he began adding instruments such as the djembe (African hand drum) and didgeridoo to his repertoire, first playing them individually, and eventually mastering the art of simultaneous playing. These days, he's been known to play up to five or six instruments at a time during live performances?each one from a from different musical tradition or region of the world. The resulting sound is timeless and universal, yet also deeply warm and resonant, and has been described the ideal accompaniment to meditation, relaxation, yoga, and massage, as well as just listening. Christopher's most recent album, Spheres, combines 22 different instruments from around the world for a mesmerizing blend of acoustic drone, rhythm, and melody. It also includes a few choice selections from Christopher's popular street show, which he has performed in more than 14 countries. Says Christopher, "When I see a person stop in the middle of a bustling street in the midst of their busy day, and close their eyes and stop everything for even a few seconds, then I feel I am creating something of real value, and I feel satisfied." "^^xsd:string

All properties reside in the graph file:///var/www/sites/dbtune-rdf-services/magnatune/static-rdf/rdf_dump.rdf

The resource appears as object in 94 triples

Context graph

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