Local view for "http://dbtune.org/magnatune/artist/william_brooks"

No prefix for http://dbtune.org/magnatune/artist/.
PredicateValue (sorted: none)
"folk rock"^^xsd:string
"William Brooks' story reads like a pack of lies but swears it's all true. William was born and raised just north of The Red River and a tad south of The Arbuckle Mountains in southern Oklahoma. After a dismal, failed attempt at working in the oil business, Brooks packed up camp and moved to New York City. After crashing on the floor of noted author Brett Leveridge(Men My Mother Dated) he finally settled down in what he considers the smallest apartment in NYC's last great red-light district, Hell's Kitchen. William has acted in about a dozen movies and TV shows. He has been detained by police on several occasions but never actually arrested, got caught in a revolving door with Bob Dylan, jumped out of more than 7 perfectly good airplanes, waitered in a Chinese restaurant earning the nickname "Sing Ging Ping" which translates to "Neurons Don't Meet", saw the Beatles in concert, has seen at least 4 ghosts, none of which he knew and is most proud of writing 2 songs with critically acclaimed Rick Moody, author of The Ice Storm. Native Oklahoman William Brooks has played many of Gotham's most notable digs from The Stephen Talkhouse, The Public Theater, The Continental Divide, Arlene Grocery, Wetlands, Webster Hall and CBGB`s to Tramps and Fez. I grew up in a small Oklahoma town and have retained most of what that means...courtesy, manners, and a great love of malls..... I was raised in a house full of women so I learned early to leave the lid down and knock before I walk into a room... I've lived in NYC for many years and I still smile at strangers, which usually gets me a lotta strange looks back. My first 5 years in NYC was one VERY lost weekend, I stepped inside my first Irish pub and didn't leave for 5 years...After my head cleared a bit I eventually figured what I wanted to do, I wanted to be the fifth Beatle but it was too late..so I started writing my own songs as a hobby and of course to impress girls..I did take me a while to realize that while I was busy singing to people at parties, the other guys were snagging the girls..Now I don't sing at parties anymore.... I do perform in clubs with my rock band. do some solo gigs and I love trying out new songs down in the NYC Subway System...You will always get an honest reaction down there...If they love ya you'll know it ... I even have a music video on the web if you'd like to see me make a complete fool out of myself. Just kidding....it's pretty cool....it's at Zebox.com. While I was perorming down in Kerrville Texas at The Folk FestivalI realized I am not a folk artist, I am a folk rocker. There is a huge difference I love movies, prank phone calls, sushi, buffalos, horses, political news, bad jokes, Tex-Mex, The Beatles, Bob Dylan, Van Morrison, Ricki Lee Jones, to laugh, the A minor chord, long silences and old Ford Mustangs..Well that's my story and I'm sticking to it!!!! "^^xsd:string

All properties reside in the graph file:///var/www/sites/dbtune-rdf-services/magnatune/static-rdf/rdf_dump.rdf

The resource appears as object in 154 triples

Context graph

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