Local view for "http://dbtune.org/magnatune/artist/wicked_allstars"

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PredicateValue (sorted: none)
"electronica with cool house and rock elements"^^xsd:string
"Mike Bell and Mike Dz grew up in the Northeast city of Boston. While Bell played piano and more classical big band instruments, Mr. Dz played guitar, drums and auxiliary percussion. It wasn't until both went away to college that they discovered their love for electronic music could be translated into producing it. Bands and DJ's like Prodigy, Aphrodite, Andy C, Seb Fontaine, and Chemical Bros. influenced them while they struggled with a deep need to change that music and manipulate it. Their journey to make something better began in 1999. Both Mike and Mike stopped experimenting and started producing on ghetto equipment. In 2001 the Wicked Allstars were born in the basement of a duplex just outside of Boston. With pipes actually dripping water directly onto their equipment they created their first two songs that summer. "Forgiven" is a trip hop song with electric guitar, and "Trouble-Remix" is a remix of the Coldplay song "Trouble". Since then, with long periods of school separating them, they have gotten together and finished their first CD. The Wicked Allstars influences include Jay-Z, Tool, Wu-Tang, Basement Jaxx, Ben Folds, Hed-PE, Megadeth, Aaliyah, and TIMBALAND. (the list goes on)"^^xsd:string

All properties reside in the graph file:///var/www/sites/dbtune-rdf-services/magnatune/static-rdf/rdf_dump.rdf

The resource appears as object in 23 triples

Context graph

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