Local view for "http://dbtune.org/magnatune/artist/tim_rayborn"

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PredicateValue (sorted: none)
"Middle Eastern and medieval European music"^^xsd:string
"Tim Rayborn is an internationally acclaimed multi-instrumentalist and singer, who has been involved in the field of early music for 15 years. He has devoted much of his musical activities over the past 13 years to the research and performance of medieval European music, and traditional music from North Africa, the Balkans, the Middle East, and India. He plays more than 40 musical instruments. He also works on the Solace live project. Though raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, Tim lived in England from 1992 to 1999, pursuing academic research and working as a professional musician. He has toured throughout Europe and performed at several major early music festivals, as well as with traditional musicians in Marrakech and Istanbul. His performances and recordings have continued to be featured regularly on BBC radio in the UK and the Channel Islands. He has appeared twice at the Jersey International Festival, on Belgian Radio 3 in a live concert broadcast, and in Majorca, as part of the Bunyola Festival. Tim has recorded three CDs for Britain's top early music label, ASV/Gaudeamus. His group, Ensemble Florata, produced two recordings, including the best-selling Far Away Lands - The Medieval Sephardic Heritage. His third ASV CD was in collaboration with Shira Kammen: The Cloister and the Sparrow hawk - Songs of the Monk of Montaudon, and received international critical acclaim. In addition, he has worked extensively with the medieval group Tintagel, with whom he toured Europe and America. He is currently an instrumentalist with the Jewish women's vocal group, Ya Elah, under the direction of Bon Singer, who directed the acclaimed Balkan women's vocal ensemble Kitka for fourteen years. He collaborates with multi-instrumentalist Mark Deutsch, and directs his own medieval ensemble, Caladrius. He is the musical director of Shuvani, a professional production featuring gypsy dance styles from India, the Middle East, North Africa, and Spain, created by noted Bay Area dancers Luna and Michelle Joyce. He has recently played on a new recording featuring singer Alisa Fineman and Grammy-nominated acoustic guitarist Alex De Grassi, and is preparing for Ya Elah's debut CD. He is currently working with acclaimed Middle Eastern dance musician and composer Jeremiah Soto, as part of his Solace live group. Tim has an M.A. in Medieval Studies and a Ph.D. on the subject of Christian/Islamic relations during the period of the early crusades (11th and 12th centuries), both from the University of Leeds, England."^^xsd:string

All properties reside in the graph file:///var/www/sites/dbtune-rdf-services/magnatune/static-rdf/rdf_dump.rdf

The resource appears as object in 146 triples

Context graph

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