Local view for "http://dbtune.org/magnatune/artist/solace"

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"classical middle-eastern with excursions into electronica."^^xsd:string
"Solace's music is produced with a story in mind, a theme, as a book without words, including dialogue between the characters (instruments), and story development in chapters (songs). All recordings are produced in a state of the art, fully automated digital studio, as quality recording is as important as the songs themselves. The songs must have meaning, passion and depth, and must sound clear and clean, as if the musicians were right there with you. Note: Magnatune artist Tim Rayborn is a member of the Solace Live project, and Charlie Pecot of Falik performs on some of the Solace CDs. Jeremiah M. Soto describes his musical endeavors "Solace," meaning comfort. Born November 4th 1968, in Loma Linda California, to Ismael and Erlinda Soto; Jeremiah's first experience with music was sitting silently near his sisters bedroom door curiously listening to The Beatles' Sergeant Peppers... or David Bowies Low. Ever since that early experience, Jeremiah showed an interest in music - especially drums. After teaching himself basic piano technique, Jeremiah started writing music at the age of 14. In 1990, he began formal studies in Music Theory and Piano at Crafton Hills College, and graduated with an Associate of Arts degree in 1992. In 1992, he and lifetime musical partner Dann Torres formed the group Eventide. They recruited the talents of Laura Grissom on bass and Julie Blodgett on vocals. Influenced by bands like Dead Can Dance, Cocteau Twins, and various classical composers, Eventide experimented with fusing Medieval and Middle Eastern music. In the process, Jeremiah realized his fascination and talent for Middle Eastern drum rhythms. To better his knowledge, Jeremiah attended classes in Frame Drum, Conga, and African polyrhythms by world-renowned percussionist Ronnie Engle. Unfortunately, after several releases on various compilations and countless live performances, Eventide disbanded in February 1995. In November of 1995, after attending countless Middle Eastern Dance conventions and parties, Jeremiah felt inspired and confident enough to release his debut recording Rhythm Of The Dance (eve 01) and Solace was born. At the same time, Jeremiah resurrected the old name Eventide to serve as a foundation name for his independent record label, now known as Eventide Music Productions. In the early part of 1996, Jeremiah reunited with old pals Dann Torres and Laura Grissom to collaborate on a short lived side project, Still. Their efforts were directed to record a CD themed at combining minimal guitar with Middle Eastern rhythms. In mid 1996, Thinnerweb (eve 02) became the second release on Eventide Music Productions. Soon after the release of Thinnerweb, Jeremiah started work on his second Solace release. In August of 1997 Sha'waza (eve 03) came in to the world; catapulting Jeremiah's music and popularity to the forefront of the Middle-Eastern Dance Music genre. In 1998, Sha'waza was nominated for a IAMED Award for best Belly Dancing music. Hot on the heels of the Sha'waza nomination, Jeremiah began work on his next endeavor. The Gathering Season (eve 04) was released in late 1998. Soon after completion of The Gathering Season, Jeremiah was introduced to master dumbek player Souhail Kaspar. From that point on, Jeremiah's fascination and skill with Arabic drumming became more refined, as he embraced the Classical Arabic Style. In addition to accompanying Souhail at parties, Jeremiah has performed with the UCLA Mid East Ensemble, and as a back up percussionist for Souhail for Sinbad, a European released CGI movie. In June 1999, Jeremiah returned to the studio to explore the vast new knowledge of rhythm arrangements taught to him by his new mentor and friend, Souhail Kaspar. With the help of Harry Saroyan, Alex Spurkel, Lydia Fortner, Jim Karagozian, Dann Torres, Steven Flynn, and the troup Yogini Kundalini; Jeremiah was able to produce one of his best works to date, Ahsas (eve 05). The project would not have been complete without the help of Ansuya's contribution to the CD cover, giving Ahsas its signature beauty. Released on March 24th, Ahsas' debut at Rakkasah 2000 and was an instant success that promised to out sell Sha'waza. Jeremiah hopes to break the confines of typical Middle Eastern Dance Music & inspire others through his unique compositional style and love of Arabic rhythms and music. Solace music is not just great belly dancing music; it is a journey into the heart and mind, a journey where others fear to tread."^^xsd:string

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The resource appears as object in 246 triples

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