Local view for "http://dbtune.org/magnatune/artist/self_delusion"

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PredicateValue (sorted: default)
"darkly addictive electro-pop songs"^^xsd:string
"Born in 1996, Self-Delusion is a group of electronic pop from Barcelona. Formed by Carles Penalver (voices and programming), J+ (composition and programming) and Toni Aran (backing vocals, composition and programming). After their appearance in diverse compilations published in the North American market and the auto-edition of "Pride", E.P. of 1998, Self-Delusion has been taken in hand by the producer Frans Beltran (aka-Iberian Spleen and involved also in the production of Spanish bands as diverse as Magnatiz, Freak XXI, Klockwork i Shuga Whuga) to give form to their first album ("Happiness hurts me"). This recording shows the eclecticism of Self-Delusion creating songs on varied electronic structures, which take them from the classic tecnopop to trip-hop, techno-rock or electro. Their sound betrays them as big followers of the music of 80s; their members are indeed fans of very varied bands that go from Depeche Mode to The Smiths, from The Cure to Portishead, from Aviador Dro to Lamb or from Fangoria to Covenant. Self-Delusion has been a supporting act for bands such as Wolfsheim and De/Vision, VNV Nation and Apoptygma Berzerk. With "Happiness hurts", Self-Delusion makes a move to find a place in the electronic national scene as they have obtained it, occasionally, in the international one, where they have managed to edit and to receive prizes as the fourth position in the Clavia MP3 Competition (contest organized by the well known synths manufacturer Clavia -nordlead-) thanks their song "Christine", included in "Happiness hurts me"."^^xsd:string

All properties reside in the graph file:///var/www/sites/dbtune-rdf-services/magnatune/static-rdf/rdf_dump.rdf

The resource appears as object in 23 triples

Context graph

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