Local view for "http://dbtune.org/magnatune/artist/seldon"

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"sophisticated rock with emo undercurrents"^^xsd:string
" Quite simply, The Seldon Plan makes some of the best laid-back indie rock around. Comprised of members Bobby Landle and Michael Nestor on guitar and vocals, Dave Hirner on bass, and Mike Landavere on percussion, the band is based in Baltimore, Maryland and has spent the last few years cutting two full length albums and taking on an increasingly busy live performance schedule?including shows with The Stills, Matt Pond PA, Now It's Overhead, I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness, Explosions in the Sky, and Jet By Day. In 2003 The Seldon Plan released The Living Room EP, which quickly received airplay on commercial and Internet radio stations such as KSCR and SOMAFM. The band's first full length album, the critically acclaimed Making Circles, made its way onto a number of top-record of the year lists, including a selection as one of "the top 40 releases of 2005 "by The Big Takeover. The album was recorded with Frank Marchand (Bob Mould, Good Charlotte) and Charlie Pilzer (Ida, All Mighty Senators, The Kennedys). It was also featured on NPR's All Songs Considered. The New Album: The Collective Now An exploration of the band's on-again-off-again relationship with pop, The Collective Now was originally meant to be a dance pop record with healthy references to early 80's college radio. What emerged instead was the band's distinctively layerd indie pop sound?searching, modern, nuanced?with noticeable tension between the desire for accessibility and the need for artistic expression. Listeners might hear glimmers of Maritime, The Little Ones, Band of Horses, Earlimart and The Swirlies. But no matter what you hear, you're sure to enjoy this sophomore effort from The Seldon Plan."^^xsd:string

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The resource appears as object in 50 triples

Context graph

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