Local view for "http://dbtune.org/magnatune/artist/norine"

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"jazzed up, funk-tinged eclectic pop."^^xsd:string
"Norine Braun's music has always existed on its own terms, falling into that titillating, refreshingly original space to the left of "trendy," craftily sidestepping the all-too-easily-dismissed stigma often applied to the "female singer/songwriter," and freewheeling unhindered around the rigid shackles of "genre. " Along with savvy producer and multi-instrumentalist James Bowers, Braun has accumulated an extraordinary discography of unpretentious, personal songs anchored by her sweet, confident voice and genteel composition. Together, the pair crafts tuneful, friendly songs with subtle but effective arrangements, dynamic and graceful and memorable. Now, Braun is back with her fifth CD, NOW & ZEN, and on these fourteen tracks Braun shows an even greater depth and maturity. NOW & ZEN expands on her penchant for jazzed up, funk-tinged pop, and shows this gifted songstress taking bold steps on her soulful journey into self-exploration. The torch song, "Move the Clouds," is evocative and inspirational, anchored by easy lounge piano and a melody as delicate as flower petals. The groovy "J'en Suis Desolee" showcases Braun's confident rap, surprising and rocking with an edgy explosion of homegirl verve. Artsy and intellectual, tuneful and savvy, Norine Braun will zing to the heart of any listener. Norine Braun's repertoire ranges from ethereal, reflective moods to sizzling bluesy rock that test the limit of popular music. She is inspired by the struggle to find meaning in the human experience. Her lyrics, although provocative, do not lose touch with her whimsical nature."^^xsd:string

All properties reside in the graph file:///var/www/sites/dbtune-rdf-services/magnatune/static-rdf/rdf_dump.rdf

The resource appears as object in 143 triples

Context graph

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