Local view for "http://dbtune.org/magnatune/artist/mijo"

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PredicateValue (sorted: default)
"catchy electronic music dosed with world influences"^^xsd:string
"Mijo (AKA Michel Jordan) began his musical adventures on flute and piano at the tender age of 8. By age 11 he had branched out into woodwinds, playing alto sax in the school orchestra until the fateful day in 1977 when his family moved to Germany and he was forced to leave the saxophone behind. Luckily, this did not spell the end of his career - upon arriving in Germany, he promptly put his talents to good use on a Gibson western guitar, expanding his repertoire with lessons and collaborations with Thomas Reuther, who went on to become a noted classical guitarist in his own right. The two went on to eventually form the Turkish/Oriental fusion band 'Grup Fakir', with several other musicians, and received critical acclaim and an offer to tour Turkey in the mid-1990's. Unfortunately the band dissolved shortly after recording their first demo cd, but Thomas and Michel continued their forays, delving into musical motifs that firmly straddled Greek and Turkish origins. In 1995 Michel met new cohorts, Christian Wolff and Michael Fey, who he went on to produce and perform live soundscapes and themes to Fachhochschule - Frankfurt theatres production of Shakespeares' 'Midsummer Nights Dream' and 'Macbeth'. Again, his efforts met with resounding success, both personally and publicly. Michel and Christian went on to form the experimental acoustic/electro-fusion/jazz/techno/blues-rock band 'Ultraschall', playing on a weekly basis with guest artists from around the world, including Christian Schmidhofer of Embryo. In 1999, Jordan and Fey teamed up, under the Sensor II moniker, to produce some new tracks with a more electronic edge, cuts of which rose to the top of the charts on Garageband.com and were included on the Garageband 'Best of Electronica' compilation CD. It was through Garageband that Artemis connected with Jordan to eventually produce the track 'Hypno' on Artemis' latest release 'Gravity'. 'Fata Morgana' is Jordan's latest effort, a sensual trip that beats a path across time and genre, melding the past, present and future sounds of world music."^^xsd:string

All properties reside in the graph file:///var/www/sites/dbtune-rdf-services/magnatune/static-rdf/rdf_dump.rdf

The resource appears as object in 25 triples

Context graph

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