Local view for "http://dbtune.org/magnatune/artist/hube"

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PredicateValue (sorted: default)
"solid, sensual, organic, languorous electronic music"^^xsd:string
"Hands upon black earth. Solid, sensual, organic, electronic music, timeless and multi-layered, seamlessly interwoven with live instrumentation, and rooted in diverse and complimentary musical genres. Respectfully grounded in tradition, but pursuing the freedom necessary to break new ground, hands upon black earth is another step in the evolution of electronic-based music. In hands upon black earth, composer and performer bobby cochran has created a collection of songs as diverse as they are connected, eluding simple categorization. Tying the project together is an occult pattern of will, desire and worship, driven by a sincere passion, fueled by a persistent discontent with his own limitations. Sensual and pensive. Meditative and exultant. Flowing, languorous beats with a hard and unrestrained backbone. Inspired words. Pain and passion. Desire and expectation. A union of love and will. These are some of the elements that unite to create hands upon black earth. Containing layered symbols and hidden devotions, hands upon black earth is a representation of a process of personal exploration and expansion, pushing against convention and expectation. A widely varied yet continuous, lush, 63-minute electronic and acoustic tapestry of auditory experience, this album is a doorway to the seen and unseen."^^xsd:string

All properties reside in the graph file:///var/www/sites/dbtune-rdf-services/magnatune/static-rdf/rdf_dump.rdf

The resource appears as object in 23 triples

Context graph

The server does not have the graphviz program dot installed in PATH. See http://www.graphviz.org/ for details.