Local view for "http://dbtune.org/magnatune/artist/holowach"

No prefix for http://dbtune.org/magnatune/artist/.
PredicateValue (sorted: default)
"clean, elemental electronic"^^xsd:string
"Filmmaker John Holowach's musical career unexpectedly began after first hearing Rob Dougan's Furious Angels. He immediately fell into remixing all the tracks for the pure pleasure of experimenting with music?an effort which eventually led to the writing and recording of his own original material. His first solo album, A Basement Of Broken Dreams was released digitally in January of 2005 and aired widely on podcasts and Internet radio. Holowach was also featured on Current TV and in several documentary and narrative films. John is now immersed in writing original music, but still participates widely in remix culture. He's an active samplist, which means he takes clips from other tracks, songs, and sounds (mostly Creative Commons-licensed), and creates something new with them. In addition to his solo work, John is also a founding member of the international Creative Commons band, Tryad. His influences range from DJ Shadow and Nine Inch Nails to Beethoven and The Beatles."^^xsd:string

All properties reside in the graph file:///var/www/sites/dbtune-rdf-services/magnatune/static-rdf/rdf_dump.rdf

The resource appears as object in 37 triples

Context graph

The server does not have the graphviz program dot installed in PATH. See http://www.graphviz.org/ for details.