Local view for "http://dbtune.org/magnatune/artist/headroom_project"

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PredicateValue (sorted: none)
"Vivid world-electronica grooves"^^xsd:string
"The Headroom Project aka Andreas Ecker fuses traditional world music with modern rhythms and audio design, resulting in driving beats full of natural power, color, and heat. Using the vastly improved studio technology of recent years, Ecker creates an incredibly distinctive and updated international sound, combining influences from Africa, the Middle East and Asia in a modern electronic milieu. As a multi-instrumentalist with an abiding appreciation for a huge range of traditional vocals and rhythms in particular, Ecker has been creating experimental music for over 20 years. His tracks feature Asian and Middle Eastern beats whirling around Ecker's highly crafted vocal amalgamations in a heavily spiced mix of jazz, funk, and traditional beats. Others feature electronic rhythms and light atmospheric sounds: everything from the roaring sea to classical voices. If there's any one defining feature of Ecker's music it's fluidity, in fact, and his ability to blend cultures and continents so seamlessly is relevant in an ever more mobile and rapidly evolving society. Ecker has been influenced by such artists as Peter Gabriel, King Crimson, Frank Zappa, Fred Frith, Aqsak Maboul, COS/Daniel Schell or Dead Can Dance. He lives in near Bonn/Germany and plays drums, bass, guitar, piano and various electronic devices. He gained musical knowledge and experiences as a member of several bands until he started his solo career in the late 1980's. In 1986 he reached his first international success with Perfume of Love as a member of the dance group Skala. During the 90's, he worked alone and developed his unique electronic world music style. "^^xsd:string

All properties reside in the graph file:///var/www/sites/dbtune-rdf-services/magnatune/static-rdf/rdf_dump.rdf

The resource appears as object in 83 triples

Context graph

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