Local view for "http://dbtune.org/magnatune/artist/falik"

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PredicateValue (sorted: default)
"middle-eastern infused with electronica."^^xsd:string
"All that matters in the Falik experience is where the music takes you, and this music is definitely mobile. Falik infuses middle-eastern, Greek, Celtic, and Baltic folk elements with electronica; it is at once exotic and familiar. The songs have a raw, earthy quality, but are ebullient, exciting, and entirely engaging to the listener, with melodies that aim straight for your heart. Falik is Charlie Pecot, who has traveled an interesting and eclectic path. This music is definitely a "snapshot" that illustrates where he has been. For Charlie - as it is for many people - music is a consolation, a stimulus that helps one to make peace with troubled thoughts. It vitalizes the spirit, recharges the will, and inspires the body and soul to movement and action. Charlie has always felt his life was somewhat "charmed" by music; that he feels elevated when he plays, more in tune with his surroundings like as if a cloud has lifted allowing the illumination of his true self. Sometimes his true self can be quite amusing. Professionally, Charlie has always done what felt right and remains true to his own personal philosophies. Sometimes, this means eschewing possible commercial success in favor of artistic expression, but his goal is to bring to the forefront his brand of "popular" thematic art. Charlie has always been a fan of "pop" music, being influenced as a child by '60s blues, soul and rock groups that made their way into popular culture, and then later by English art/rock groups: Jumi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Sweat, Blood and Tears, Sly and the Family Stone, Led Zeppelin, Beatles, Rolling Stones, Kinks, The Who, Eric Clapton, Supertramp, Yes, David Bowie, Foghat, Genesis, Queen. If anything, "Falik" is the result of Charlie's demented view of what he thinks is "world fusion pop". This is his attempt at combining everything he knows and appreciates about the music he loves and putting into a format that he feels people are already familiar with. Charlie is a big fan of dance music, and not just because he loves to dance. He loves the way that music can make you feel like dancing. This is the essence of what he tries to capture. He wants to invoke in the listener the desire to sway, shake, boogie, and groove - to delight in the joy of movement and self-expression. It may be interesting to note at this point that children have always responded favorably to Falik; they "get" him."^^xsd:string

All properties reside in the graph file:///var/www/sites/dbtune-rdf-services/magnatune/static-rdf/rdf_dump.rdf

The resource appears as object in 96 triples

Context graph

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