Local view for "http://dbtune.org/magnatune/artist/etherfysh"

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PredicateValue (sorted: default)
"sublimely chilled out EM"^^xsd:string
"Chris Christou is the man behind Etherfysh, a project through which he explores a dreamy, downtempo form of electronic music encompassing genres from the Berlin School and New Age, to ambient and hints of jazz. "Electronic music has always been a fascination for me," says Christou. "As a kid, my best friend's mother was always playing Tangerine Dream, so early exposure to albums like Zeit, Phaedra, and Stratosphere had an irrevocable effect." Christou, who is from from Hastings East Sussex, England, spent his late teens and early twenties exploring new music and saving for his first synth purchase: a kit built string machine and Korg MS10. He steadily built up a collection of instruments, and continued honing his sound?one built around the visual and emotive powers of electronic music. "Electronic music and synthesisers always had an ability to draw and conjure images, sensations and emotions within me. I have always thought that Klaus Schulze's title Picture Music summed up the genre pretty succinctly. I don't really spend time trying to work out whether Etherfysh fits into a particular musical box. I would much rather my listeners draw their own conclusions on that one." For Etherfysh, 2005 saw collaborations with with Dutch EM artist Gert Emmens, as well as the release of Stasis, a work of hypnotic melodies wrapped around subtle, silvery beats. Etherfysh's other releases include Musick in the Quay of Sea, A Box of Fysh, and Pandora's Box."^^xsd:string

All properties reside in the graph file:///var/www/sites/dbtune-rdf-services/magnatune/static-rdf/rdf_dump.rdf

The resource appears as object in 28 triples

Context graph

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