Local view for "http://dbtune.org/magnatune/artist/blownaparts"

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PredicateValue (sorted: none)
"obnoxious high-energy rock."^^xsd:string
"America's baddest rock n' roll band. THE NAPOLEON BLOWNAPARTS are known as one of the most explosive live acts touring today! Founder and front man of "The Blownaparts" Mr. Ajax displays angst, Anger and rage as he punches testosterone fueled rock music into the hearts and bedrooms of teenagers everywhere. 1998 rolled in as The Blownaparts took their show on the road playing everywhere from dirty night clubs to opening for Fiona Apple and Social Distortion at the Paul Paul theatre in California. The summer of 98 was also the summer the band made it a point to make kids across the United States listen to their cry for pure RAWK N' ROLL! On the "Vans Warped Tour 98" in Lake Tahoe Nevada signer/guitarist Ajax Garcia remembers how the muddy crowed of Fred Durst look alikes welcomed his band and their brand of "PUNK RAWK" with open arms.............and legs. July 2000 rolls in and The Napoleon Blownaparts kicked off a summer tour that would have their music heard by over 100,000 people as they were invited along for the ride by Levi's and S.F.X. Productions to open the huge KISS Farewell Tour! Six sold out club dates, five sold out 17,000 plus amphitheatres, One sold out 7,000 radio concert opening for WEEZER and over 10,000 miles put these boys on the map. Perhaps the most amazing thing about this band is nearly the whole tour was funded by T-shirt and CD sales alone. That and the will to survive! Most recently founder of the Band Mr. Ajax has closed a deal to make The Napoleon Blownaparts the first and only band to have a major beverage company sponsor a major record release. The Blownaparts believe that at least 50% of their music should be free and readily available to the kids. "^^xsd:string

All properties reside in the graph file:///var/www/sites/dbtune-rdf-services/magnatune/static-rdf/rdf_dump.rdf

The resource appears as object in 31 triples

Context graph

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