Table for the 25 triples with object david aubrun on predicate foaf:maker sorted by label

?:adn chaos genetiquefoaf:maker
?:biophoton sourcefoaf:maker
?:confort maoistefoaf:maker
?:gaia jardin zenfoaf:maker
?:gaia paradisefoaf:maker
?:insectis mundifoaf:maker
?:karma speculatiffoaf:maker
?:la mayafoaf:maker
?:La route du tempsfoaf:maker
?:les dieux du microcosmefoaf:maker
?:modern shiftfoaf:maker
?:My revolutionfoaf:maker
?:notre terre sacreefoaf:maker
?:resurrection schyzophrenicfoaf:maker
?:scientifico mystic visionfoaf:maker
?:Semence sacréefoaf:maker
?:sound design for documentaryfoaf:maker
?:strange nanoworldfoaf:maker
?:tantra electronic presidentielfoaf:maker
?:the village in the valley foaf:maker
?:trip with waterfoaf:maker
?:zentao live part one bacteria symbiosysfoaf:maker
?:zentao live part two viral attackfoaf:maker