Table for the 1 triples with object "What could go wrong on a day like today? Only everything… It's not that it would, it's that it could, So let’s hope not, I pray. Rain, rain, go away. Coming back another day is too soon, and anytime after that, consider yourself unwelcome… The weather report is uncertain, and the sky will pull it's curtain, of dark clouds, thunder, lightning, and bring on the rain… The sky is falling, but just above my head. The others tried to warn me, and I never believed what they said When the clouds blind my view, and forecasts become untrue, I’ll just keep asking: "What else could go wrong on a day like today?" Rain, rain, go away. Coming back another day is too soon, and anytime after that, consider yourself unwelcome…"^^xsd:string on predicate ns1:text sorted by label
