Table for the 1 triples with object "It all started in early july 1995, using a vintage Fesma F-20 italian synth, a shortwave receiver and a set of decks to mess tapes back and forth. <br /> <br /> The first experiments were based on live improvisation, though somehow intentional, usually by playing minimal tunes on the keyboard, while both the receiver and the prebuilt tapeloops would be striving to find their own way into the mix. <br /> The outcome was enough fucked up to deserve a premiere in a local underground record store. <br /> Impressions and comments were enough encouraging to keep up with the research. <br /> <br /> The purchase of a Boss DR-5 rhythmbox, in february 1996, opened a gateway towards semi-programmed compositions, in which the live performance became less and less important, until it was fully supressed when my programming skills in that toy were enough mature to suffice the plans dreamt. <br /> Several tracks from this period got aired on a mainstream local radio station, after my great comrade C.M. was given a chance to broadcast a show devoted to &quot;alternative sounds&quot;. <br /> <br /> The great shift was yet to come. Just a bit before 1997 passed away, i've got acquainted with the possibilities a PC could offer me as means to make music. <br /> For quite some time i had no interest on computers other than their audio capabilities. Throughout the summer of 98 i have been combining a plethora of different well known applications, with little to none satisfaction. Cubase and Cakewalk seemed too technical, cluttered and dull; Fastracker II and Rebirth were too raw. <br /> A few months later, around November 98, i saw a promising addition at maz-soound, a tracker centric emporium back then. It was called <strong>Buzz</strong> and, in spite of its alpha status, it already seemed what i have been running after. A modular all-in-one tracker/synthsizer/sequencer. Awesome. <br /> <br /> By march 1999 i have managed to reach enough profficiency in Buzz as to start producing exclusively within it, like a framework. <br /> I've finally found a noble excuse to skip classes at the fascist dungeon where the portuguese state was sponsoring my studies in Overseas Colonial Administration, under the offical disguise of &quot;Anthropology&quot;. During the following two years my time was almost entirely devoted to explore Buzz Digital Composer, always extended with new exciting plug-ins released at a frantic rate. <br /> A couple of home crafted CD-R's were &quot;relaesed&quot; in my hometown, enjoying some media limelight, again thanks to C.M. and his enthusiasm about the stuff i was making available. <br /> In Januray 2001 i have decided to widthdraw from any musical activity, due to lack of inspiration (if i ever had any), boredom (a weired senastion of &quot;mission accomplished&quot;) and a new agenda of priorities in computing. <br /> The nomenclature i have chosen as stagenames began as Aterro Sanit&aacute;rio, went on as Aufstehen! and ended up as Manchine. <br /> <br /> Comandante-em-chefe is the name under wich i want to encompass all those previous id's. <br /> It conveys the central topics embraced ever since. Strong socialist ideological commitment, cybernetic perfection (control/regulation), permanent change (revolution) and structure."^^xsd:string on predicate ns1:biography sorted by label
