Table for the 2 triples with object "Asesino, Asesino Hey bitch! How are you fuckin' going? Are you finally done with killin'? Hey! fucking bastard! What's up? Do not matter you're dead You won't go up Your fuckin revolution was a big shit The weight of all that you will keep Then all those people that you killed So now everybody will be screaming: Comandante pinochet You are now dead I will say to you I WON'T CRY FOR YOU! You thought you had escaped from your lawsuit? It will be with God, so say shit! You imprisonned so many people You killed so many people You tortured and tortured so many so many So now everybody will be screaming: Why did Tatcher did not keep you? Why could you not stay in prison, so fuck you? For all these reasons, bustard, we'll be screaming: I fuck you bitch, I hope you'll burn in Hell with shit!"^^xsd:string on predicate ns1:text sorted by label
