Table for the 1 triples with object "6. INDIAN IN THE DESERT (Texte 07/1999 tous droits réservés Mr Johannes Hopfner) Do you know why we exist? Do you know that all we see is just an illusion, I've talked to my spirit one day, and I saw an Indian answer my question: "Fly little man, to the end, join us in the dance of wild disillusion. Can you see the ocean of time, Take my hand and drink my mind." Into the sun… Into the night. I followed the Indian through the desert, he was a falcon, I was a spy, After a long march under the terrible sun, he stopped, made fire, then sang: "Heyah… Heyah…" His voice was soft and desperate my friend, I was alone, He illuminated ancient rites for eternity. All along the river flow. I saw this little girl beside me. Has she the power to love me Into the sun … Into the night. I came to this ceremony place again and again, blue Sunday, confusion, I saw the same Indian in the same desert, he stopped, made fire, than sang: "Heyah… Heyah…" Indian, Indian, follow my spirit, take me to the place you've been, Now that I saw the truth in your eyes."^^xsd:string on predicate ns1:text sorted by label
