Table for the 1 triples with object "<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" class="cc_user_listing_table"> <tbody> <tr> <td>Antony Raijekov is a young artist who works in the field of theater, music, audio-vision and contemporary interactive art. He has five releases: &ldquo;Acid is Gone&rdquo;(2003), &ldquo;VIEWS&rdquo; (2003), &ldquo;Hammondsville&rdquo; (2004) and &ldquo;Point of View EP&rdquo; (2005 @ <a title="" class="cc_format_link" href=""></a> Bulgarian Creative Commons net label) and &ldquo; <a title=";artist=51" class="cc_format_link" href=";artist=51">Sound Fish</a>&rdquo; (2005/2006) @ <a title="" class="cc_format_link" href=""></a>. All his music and works are under Creative Commons licenses. He worked with <a title="" class="cc_format_link" href="">Ventzislav Dikov</a> (guitar, kaval player and painter) on contemporary ethno-jazz album &ldquo;Sounds Around You&rdquo;.<br /> <br /> For his work he has been awarded Electronic Music Award in the category &lsquo;Electronic and computer generated music&rsquo; on the 16th international competition <a title="" class="cc_format_link" href="">ComputerSpace</a> 2004, &lsquo;Musician of the month&rsquo;, July 2004 by the <a title="" class="cc_format_link" href=""></a> music community and the WEB-BG prize for July 2005 for the <a title="" class="cc_format_link" href=""></a> portal. Award for artwork under creative commons licese - ComputerSpace 2007 / OpenIdeas Company.<br /> <br /> Antony Raijekov graduated from &lsquo;National Academy for Theater and Film Arts&rsquo;, subject Drama Acting and after that graduated Drama directing also. Currently he works within the &lsquo; <a title="" class="cc_format_link" href="">Provokatzia</a>&rsquo; theatre, develops and implements independent projects in the art field - &lsquo; <a title="" class="cc_format_link" href="">NightSongs</a>&rsquo; by J. Fosse - actor &amp; composer, &lsquo; <a title="" class="cc_format_link" href="">The fireplace</a>&rsquo; by M. Minkov - producer, director and composer of the music for the performance; co-founder and chief editor of web portal, dedicated to Creative Commons, open and free culture in Bulgaria, also he is co-founder and member of executive council of <a title="" class="cc_format_link" href="">Open Projects Foundation</a>.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>"^^xsd:string on predicate ns1:biography sorted by label

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