Table for the 1 triples with object "<br /> Legofriendly has been crafted and post-processed in Tokyo central since 2002. Recommended if you like Fourtet, Mouse on Mars, Pram or Autechre. <br /> <br /> Quirky but never beyond reach: like a pile of Lego bricks, experiment a little and make of it what you will. Dense arrangements encourage you to take away something different on each listen as you settle into the comfortable melodies or let yourself be taken by the insistent rhythms.<br /> <br /> Somewhere between IDM, techno and electronica, Legofriendly never quite fits into any of the three. In common it has IDM's spirit of experimentation, the determined accessibility of techno and the characteristic warmth of electronica.<br /> <br /> Legofriendly profile on Intervall-audio || <a href="">Legofriendly</a>"^^xsd:string on predicate ns1:biography sorted by label
