Local view for "http://dbtune.org/jamendo/record/7164"

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"2007-08-27 19:35:35"
"<p>First cd by m2X with a decent quality.</p> <br /> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The word &quot;Combalized&quot; was thought up by m2X's friend Mackan during a late night smoke on a bench in Gothenburg. m2X asked Mackan how he would define his music and the word he could think of was &quot;Komboliserad&quot;. A clear fusion of flow and beat. Therefore m2X thought it was a good idea to name the album after it, in English becoming Combolized, or Combalized which sounds better :).</p> <p>Though the Intro is simple, m2X has tried to keep his flows and verses as complicated as possible. This he thinks will force a listener to pay better attention to the song, maybe at the expense of losing some listeners to interest but in his opinion those shouldn't be listening to rap in that case as it's the lyrics that matter.</p> <p>First song on Combalized is &quot;In The Teenage Years&quot;. A song about drinking and handling the aftermaths of a party night. First verse touches on how you may feel the day after being sick, telling the story backwards to the end of the night before.&nbsp; Second verse is story telling in a forward motion, dealing with a psychotic girl who got some crazy stuff on her mind.</p> <p>&quot;Peace In War, War In Peace&quot; is sort of a mix between a commercialized song and a political statement, as well as a remembrance of how the rapping started for m2X. The beat is uplifting and a generally fast pace. The title Peace In War, War In Peace, mean that in any situation there is always a peace and a conflict present.</p> <br /> Me &amp; My Bong featuring Nate is a track m2X did on an open verse from Hard Target's Soundclick website. It's purely a stoner track, elaborating on the soothing effect of weed and using a bong as a best friend as the methaphor for it.<br /> <br /> As The Days Pass By is a Rest In Peace track dedicated to m2X's grandmother who passed away after a number of illnesses. A very emotional track.<br /> <br /> Combalized Minds is kind of an experimental track and at the same time a journey through his mind at that point of time. It touches on m2X's love/obsession with the lyrical arts. The flow and beat are fast paced and with an intense rhymescheme.<br /> <br /> Stoner's Tales is yet another stoner track, with a touch of boastfulness to it. It features m2X's best mate Lewis a.k.a Ridicule who found an interest in lyric writing. It was written and recorded one night in m2Xs' apartment. A classic night in his eyes. It also served as an introduction for Ridicule.<br /> <br /> Seldom Seen Bitches is pure story telling. If one do not live in Maastricht, Holland they will perhaps not understand. The story is about walking from m2X's apartment at Emmaplein, to Smoky Boat Coffeeshop. He follows a road called Brusselsestraat which has some places he dislikes on it. These are mentioned in the song as The Shamrock, The Wall Street (bad, commercial coffeeshop) and for those who know the city he is attacked by crossdressers (&quot;but no rest for us when we met some crossdressers, running towards us like some nutty professors&quot;) outside To The Point, which is his favourite pub. When he meets the old school mate it is just by the Heaven 69 Coffeeshop wich serves great breakfast but crappy weed.<br /> <br /> Shock You Like The Monkey is a boastful track. The title derives from a Joe Cartoon cartoon.<br /> <br /> Royalty is also boastful. It was first written for a mixtape created before called Drink Critics Mixtape but was also used for this album. The beat is from Nas' &quot;The World Is Yours&quot;<br /> <br /> Evil Inside is a strange track. It's about how evil lurks inside of us all.<br /> <br /> Second Round features Nuts, who got m2X to start rapping. It was written for a performance at Bonnefanten Museum in Maastricht. It's boastful. Pay extra attention to Nuts' verse as it's great!<br /> <br /> Fairwell is a statement about the decline of importance of lyrics in rap. Something m2X finds very annoying, alarming and sad.<br /> <br /> How I Get Down. Well the title explains it.<br /> <br /> Internet Gangsta's featuring J-Crill was an open verse m2X jumped on, ended up pretty good even though he doesn't like to have such an agressive attitude. Though it fits well for people who talk bullshit on people's message boards.<br /> <br /> Jacob is the first part of a supposed trilogy.(check The Jason Story - <br /> As Good As Bad for the second part) It's a story about a lower class family who end up in a tragic way, the songs are from each characters point of view. Jacob is the son. Jason is the father. next in the trilogy will be the mother or daughter.<br /> <br /> Gettin Myself High is a stoner track featuring MCK. This was the first proper track we made together, and it was the beginning of a long and positive collaboration.<br /> <br /> Digging My Own Grave takes you through m2X's thoughts during a very weird time of his life. Very personal.<br /> <br /> The Anthem was a free verse m2X jumped on.<br /> <br /> Off My Chest is personal too, it shows his thoughts after a drastic change in his life.<br /> <br /> On A Toxic Beat was the first collaboration with MCK.<br /> <br /> Evolution is an outro which shows my progress from when I started to where I was at that point."^^xsd:string

All properties reside in the graph file:///var/www/sites/dbtune-rdf-services/jamendo/static-rdf/jamendo.rdf

The resource appears as object in one triple:

{ m2X, foaf:made, Combalized }

Context graph

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