Local view for "http://dbtune.org/jamendo/record/5173"

PredicateValue (sorted: default)
"Comets Over Flatland"^^xsd:string
"2007-04-20 16:55:36"
"<div align="center"> <h1>Comets Over Flatland</h1> by<br /> <h2>Randy Winchester</h2> <div align="left">The pieces in <em><strong>Comets Over Flatland</strong></em> were recorded in the <strong>Emergency Music Studio<em>, </em></strong>a collection of pre-MIDI analog synthesizers and sound processing equipment.&nbsp; The studio was assembled in 1984 and used for the recordings <em><strong>Danger: Starts Automatically </strong></em>and&nbsp;<strong><em> Suburban Jazz Studies.&nbsp; </em></strong>One of the perceived problems of <strong>EMS</strong> was that without a computer interface, all the patches, knob settings and sequences were a one-shot deal and performances were essentially irreproducible at a later time.&nbsp; The studio was abandonded to make room for what was believed at the time to be the current state of the art in keyboard synthesizers.<br /> <br /> <strong>EMS </strong>was resurrected in 1994 to deal with a deficiency in the new hardware, namely the lack of any means of playing music outside of twelve equally tempered tones per octave!&nbsp; <strong>EMS </strong>is an outstanding collection of gear for xenharmonic music.&nbsp; The old synth modules still generate big wanton ramp waves that haven't been heard in most music in recent years.<br /> <br /> This is genuine electronic music, full of real electronics, intermodulation, phasing effects, crackly ADSRs and many other aural anomalies that just don't fit well with current musical trends.&nbsp; The important point with this recording though, is the many tunings that are used.&nbsp; They are as distinct from everyday 12 as the equipment used for this recording.<br /> <br /> <div align="right">&nbsp;- Notes by Randy Winchester, 1997</div> </div> </div>"^^xsd:string

All properties reside in the graph file:///var/www/sites/dbtune-rdf-services/jamendo/static-rdf/jamendo.rdf

The resource appears as object in one triple:

{ R. Winchester, foaf:made, Comets Over Flatland }

Context graph

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