Local view for "http://dbtune.org/jamendo/record/3649"

PredicateValue (sorted: default)
"2006-12-28 02:38:19"
"This album is the first electronic musical experiments created by NeLaS and reflects its attempt to find out his identity!<br /> <br /> Here are the tracks descriptions:<br /> <br /> 1 - <strong>Meio Ambiente</strong><br /> This song was created while I was working! I started to add stuff, and piece by piece a little ambient song was out. It is an ambient minimalist song indeed and it can be heard as a soundtrack of a movie produced in collaboration with a few friends of mine! Watch the movie&nbsp; <a href="http://one.revver.com/watch/106773">here</a> !<br /> <br /> 2 - <strong>O Garoto Diarr&eacute;ia Mental (Mental Diarrhea Boy)</strong><br /> Soundtrack of an animation created by me and animated by Andr&eacute; Kanamura. The Boy has a peculiar feature... everything he does not digest mentally ends up in the toilet, literraly. With this crazy characteristic he is able to re-see what passed thru his mind and get a better understanding of what life is! To watch this animation visit <a href="http://organelas.googlepages.com/ogarotodiarr%C3%A9iamental2">O Garoto Diarr&eacute;ia Mental</a> !<br /> <br /> 3 - <strong>O Panda Pindo (Pindo, the Panda Bear)</strong><br /> Another soundtrack for animation! This time for an animation where this cute little panda does bizarre stuff, created by Pablo Candiani. This song was specifically created and inspired by this animation, since the beginning! Although the animation itself has not been released, you can read more information <a href="http://organelas.googlepages.com/opandapindo2">here</a>.<br /> <br /> 4 - <strong>Sonho a Vida (Dream Life)</strong><br /> Inspired by a dream of a friend of mine and composed right after the talk! This was my first experience with some techno/house electronic beats... I had to give it a try :-) I used this song for another <a href="http://one.revver.com/watch/106772">short movie</a> I made, it is an animation of photos...<br /> <br /> 5 - <strong>Transi&ccedil;&atilde;o (Transition)</strong><br /> If there is a song that represents my music style it is this one! After learning a little bit of electronic composition I decided to take it to the limits (my limits), I see what I could do. In this totally experimental song everything was sequenced, and I used diverse methods of creation, mixing electronic elements with beats and melodies created here in the &quot;real&quot; world, with my guitar/bass/keyboards. Besides that I fooled around with strings and automation! I had a lot of fun... It is interesting to remember that this song started with me trying to make my beats soundlike <a href="http://www.xplodingplastix.com/">Xploding Plastix</a>... :-)<br /> <br /> This is the history of this album! Now I'm with a new mind and a better idea of what I want to my songs, which will be released soon!<br /> <br /> Listen, criticize, review and send some suggestions!!!<br /> <br /> Cheers,<br /> <br /> NeLaS"^^xsd:string

All properties reside in the graph file:///var/www/sites/dbtune-rdf-services/jamendo/static-rdf/jamendo.rdf

The resource appears as object in one triple:

{ NeLaS, foaf:made, OrgaNeLaS }

Context graph

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