Local view for "http://dbtune.org/jamendo/record/3036"

PredicateValue (sorted: default)
"Five Hemispheres"^^xsd:string
"2006-10-13 05:26:30"
"The compositions in <strong>Five Hemispheres</strong> feature exotic tunings, rhythms and timbres.<br /> <br /> <strong>One </strong>uses a tuning of seven equal steps per octave.&nbsp; The composition uses a simple AABAAAB song structure based on a single chord progression.<br /> <br /> <strong>Two </strong>is tuned in 15 steps / octave.&nbsp; Two melodic voices intertwine over a constantly changing continuo of piano and mallet instruments.&nbsp; Metric modulations are introduced in the middle section.&nbsp; The main melodies are recapped in the last section.<br /> <br /> <strong>Three</strong> uses 21 steps / octave.&nbsp; The first string choral section is followed by an improvisation in 7 / octave that recalls the theme of <strong>One</strong>.&nbsp; The piece wraps up with an unconventional cannon-like structure for strings.<br /> <br /> <strong>Four</strong> is a small concerto in one movement for an improvised jazz trombone-like instrument over an updated electronic gamelan, sometimes spooky and hokey at the same time.&nbsp; The tuning is 8 / octave.<br /> <br /> <strong>Five </strong>is a simple theme with variations for wind instruments tuned in 22 / octave."^^xsd:string

All properties reside in the graph file:///var/www/sites/dbtune-rdf-services/jamendo/static-rdf/jamendo.rdf

The resource appears as object in one triple:

{ R. Winchester, foaf:made, Five Hemispheres }

Context graph

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