Local view for "http://dbtune.org/jamendo/record/2121"

PredicateValue (sorted: default)
"Mind Phaser: About the world"^^xsd:string
"2006-06-26 10:56:56"
"This was my first serious band.<br /> I was so happy when they told me that I were &quot;inside&quot;, I was only 18<br /> <br /> The band was very famous in the past, the first drum player was Matteo Giovannone, then Simone Bassi, and me for the end.<br /> <br /> The other players were:<br /> <br /> Alberto Mora, one of the &quot;Minds&quot; behind the songs, I remember his very hard guitar riffs like 17/8 or 32/4...phew, I played with him after the end of the band and I can say he was and is very very powerfull<br /> <br /> Cristian Ruggi the screamer, great voice and passion for Napalm Death<br /> <br /> Oscar Lanzoni, very known bassist in Italy for hsi quality, eneryfull person<br /> <br /> Alessandro Simeoni, the other guitarist, he looks serious the first times and to be sincerely he scared me a little, but with the time we became good friends.<br /> <br /> You can hear other songs/bands of theese players looking for Pteroids, 7 notes in black,&nbsp; Dysmorphic&nbsp; and Genital grinder.<br /> <br /> As always I hope you like this&nbsp; band...if not,&nbsp; I like it for you."^^xsd:string

All properties reside in the graph file:///var/www/sites/dbtune-rdf-services/jamendo/static-rdf/jamendo.rdf

The resource appears as object in one triple:

{ Luca Deriu, foaf:made, Mind Phaser: About the world }

Context graph

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