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"the reviews for LUXUS from MP3.COM, the vivendily & universally killed mother of all music download places - and believe me folks, some of the people who wrote it are VERY talented:<br /> <br /> Thierry van Werveke, actor extraordinaire gets digitally captured by Luxus, drunker than hell, and beligerent. Luxus repeatedly asks what to do with a drunken sailor. Thierry just simply wants a hamburger and a beer, though he reached his limit long ago.He is roughly ushered out of the SlingaBurger joint, after a diatribe exposes Thierry's true intentions and disposition. He's drunk as hell. This is a comedic track, keep that in mind, as Luxus propels you into the mind of a drunken sailor for a brief period. we here at the Land of Phrygia Drunk and Disorderly Hit Squad gave this a staggering four thumbs up out of a possible four. I would personally like to know the inspiration for a track like this. I am projecting the hope that Luxus was subjected to a drunken sailor one day, and decided to make his feelings publicly known about drunks and their impact on society. Try it, you lush.<br /> <br /> <br /> P.S.: don't do like Swampjaw from Detroit, who told he pissed his clothes because of laughing too much the first time he listened to it...no joke! i am not sure if he told the truth or if he just wanted to be nice... i am afraid, it was the truth...;)<br /> <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Review by: Sergio Cesario<br /> <br /> Smooth, relaxing, and downright funky. Luxus has a knack for filling up the empty space with all sorts of interesting sounds. Over all i think that Luxus has a distinct sound which sets them apart from the collective whole. A very strange sound all together. I guess you would have to call this acid rock cause it makes you feel as if you were on it. or maybe be something you would listen to on it. Anyways this group has alot of talent and should be recognised for it. I severely recomend that everyone give them a listen.<br /> <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Dude - the Sunken Sailor is some funny shit! You're quite the diverse guy there- maybe you might also like PoetJester I will add Sunken Sailor to one of my stations, as to why none of the stuff is downloadable, it's because we want to sell cds. If no one wants to buy them, then they will just play it on the computer, and we will continue to be on the mp3 charts for exposure- either way is a win situation, where if everyone dowloads and plays at their leisure, we don't get credit for it so to speak.<br /> <br /> Take care<br /> <br /> HC<br /> <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Review by: Bobby Shiflett<br /> <br /> Have you ever thought to yourself, "Gee, I wish I could hear something completely different"? Well if you are about to listen to Luxus you have come to the right place. Funny, irreverant, skilled all come to mine and then, it would seem, that they have mastered "The unknown factor." Once upon a time the infamous sorcerer Aleister Crowley wrote, "Wolf's bane is not so sharp as steel; yet it pierceth the body more subtly." For some reason this comes to mind when I am listening to these guys. They are not particularly heavy. In fact much of their music sounds founded on electronic groove (with some nice guitar licks thrown into the mix) ...Yet they know how to get to you ...and that's what music is really all about isn't it? Communicating something that words can't.<br /> <br /> Bliss:<br /> Alamantra<br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Hi,<br /> Now im listening your songs.<br /> 'sunken sailor' is very interesting and funny.<br /> but im vegetarian...<br /> maybe gonna add another song to my station Sh@nti Friends Network.<br /> <br /> Thanks!<br /> Jack Krishna<br /> <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> weird, some techno type ish back round, WTF cheese burger????? LMAO, this was aight, LMAO, this was some fake ass comedy ahahaha. aight now answer my question!!! please lol.<br /> Holla!<br /> <br /> Robert Lee <bobbie23x0@yahoo.com><br /> <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Vvery amusing! Great stuff-love the drunken sailor stuff!<br /> <br /> Rainbow Jimmy<br /> http://www.spaceanimals.com<br /> <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Review by: Sergio Cesario<br /> <br /> Once again i think that this band is one of my favorites....they got me on the floor dying of laughter.. they defeinelty got the market cornerd on funny ass songs... two<br /> thumbs up from me..laughing my ass offf..<br /> <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> From: "Rodney Young" <itman2k@hotmail.com><br /> <br /> chick'n MO, You need help. That was the funnest stuff I have heard since joining mp3.com. I played it at my desk at work and some of my co-workers had a ball with it. Some didn't of course but now I know who the fun people are.<br /> <br /> Thanks,<br /> Rod Young<br /> <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Sunken Sailor all the way!!!<br /> <br /> Thanks again!,<br /> <br /> Teddie Tapawan (Smart Apple)<br /> http://www.smartapplerocks.com<br /> <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Hi Luxus -<br /> <br /> Your XXXcellent song has been added @ the decidedly dodgy, ever popular, hi-traffic station, 'XXXTREME' @ <br /> <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Comments about Sunken Sailor:<br /> Song about a beer with a funny ending. The music has a little taste of funky, blues and baresque rock styles.<br /> <br /> isenngard@mail.com<br /> <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Review by: Sami Alho<br /> <br /> Strange kind of music. Lots of interesting things going on all the time, but i couldn´t get a grip. Maybe a bit progressive for me, but I liked it anyway.<br /> <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Hey dawg, if you stopped by Paris, call me, my number is 01 40 61 92 10, if am not there leave a message, maybe we could go to a pub and get drunk like the drunken sailor. By the way I was at the pub yesterday and on the flyboat too with some friends and we just kept singin the hook of drunken sailor. It was dope we did it for like 10 hours straight am serious. I even got the PS2 yesterday and gran turismo 3 and called my pilot the Drunken Sailor. Well am out dawg. Peace<br /> LIL'T<br /> <br /> From: "LIL'T Records" <liltrecords@hotmail.com><br /> <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> fouche kellis <x130844@yahoo.com><br /> <br /> I indeed added go away to the station. the drunken sailor was pretty funny.<br /> cya!<br /> <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Review by: Bob Sylvester<br /> <br /> "This music is so deep that even KOJAK would struggle to get to the bottom of it" can be read on site of LUXUS. Well you bet.... It would be hard for<br /> any fan of alterative music NOT to like the tracks presented by LUXUS. The deliberately powerfull arrangements -great guitar, bass (Abe LABORIEL appears<br /> through courtesy of spectrasonics on "Overland"), sparse use of effects box and sprinkling samples (and no drum box please) can evoke at times Brian Eno's Music<br /> for Films, or Frank Zappa. "Sunken Sailor" is certainly the most infectious tune of the bunch. This act deserves encouragement, and I'll be interested to see what new<br /> material emerges down from the Sea...<br /> <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Akai <akai11@yahoo.com><br /> <br /> COOL!<br /> <br /> James/Beautiful Strangers<br /> <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Review by: Francis Hyland<br /> <br /> One of the best innovative bands on MP3.com<br /> Much talent!<br /> Respect,<br /> ISOL8<br /> <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Hey man!<br /> <br /> I really enjoy 'Sunken Sailor' Great song, funny comedy and very original stuff. Ofcourse you are included on 'The Wow! Experience'. Your music is truly a wow! experience in all aspects. You have some very nice tragicomedy lyrics - and I must say the music is very wellproduced.<br /> <br /> The slightly diffrent version of 'papa was a rolling stone' was just too cool man! I will listen to all your songs.<br /> <br /> Tobias Andersson<br /> ** TOTAL INTUITION **<br /> <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Review by: Jeff Ayers<br /> <br /> Rather mind numbing, but I guess that's the name of the game in trance music*) . Good inclusion of other styles, though!<br /> <br /> Jeff Ayers<br /> <br /> *) i suppose, jeff must have been listening to 'red angel' first...trance music is certainly not our main job...hehe...<br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> <tc@creative-sound.de><br /> <br /> I´ll give You some streamin tonight - watch out drunken sailer ! ;-)<br /> Peace<br /> Thomas W<br /> HARMONIC OBSESSION<br /> <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Review by: Jeza<br /> <br /> I was very impressed with LUXUS from Belgium *) the first time I passed this way. Not so much with the tongue in cheek, 'Sunken Sailor' track which heads the page, but the subsequent songs, which show a very talented and playful multi-instrumentalist at work. 'Overland' a powerful jazz fusion groove, suddenly becomes the theme from Bonanza, or we hear the artist biting into an apple .. Inbetween .. Some great guitar playing and steady bass. I hope to hear more from LUXUS<br /> <br /> *) oops, jeza, this is not true...luxus comes from grand-duchy of luxembourg...it's called luxus, not belgux...hehe...;¬)<br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> DUDE! hehehe...that song is freakin hilarious...i didnt pee my pants cause i had just got through peeing but i still had some trickle action hehe....Good peice:)<br /> <br /> -Mikel(carb.) <br /> <br /> From: Carbpromotions@aol.com<br /> <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Review by: John Garza<br /> <br /> This group is great. I find the mix of humour and talent very refreshing and entertaining. I give these guys a big ten. Don't let the first impression of their web site fool<br /> you this is real talent at it's best.<br /> <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> I was listening to "Sunken Sailor" together with my Son (8), he said "it is strange but I like it, it is funny...". So LUXUS has surely winning the teen and kids public! At least here in Luxembourg!<br /> From Bissen, ciao<br /> <br /> Vittorio Merlo<br /> <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Review by: John Griffith<br /> <br /> One look at the picture of this handsome fellow smoking his stogie and you realize there's something 'different' about Luxus. This cat is really outside the box, serving up a #10 combo platter of great musicianship and original ideas, while laying it out with a huge helping of humor. It tickles my funny bone and assuages my appetite for something new equally. Try it, and try not to smile...I'm going back for seconds.<br /> <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> heehee SUNKEN SAILOR!!! You are TOO funny!! How many brews did you have to down 4 ya came up with all that? Sounds original to me...unless you are a good faker from way back! Poor sailor.....probably still out looking for a beer. I read the words and all! Heehee.....one time...it says:<br /> <br /> "give me a bear"!!<br /> <br /> Listening to Overland now. You turn out extremely cool music. I mean it! Keep it up! ;o)<br /> <br /> Debbie Henning<br /> <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Review by: Lana Crowley<br /> <br /> thought sunken sailor was hilarious and the Selig song [#4} on play list was a favorite to me {just wish I knew what he was sayin} had a kinda Babyface feel to it.<br /> <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> I just put sunken sailor on our radio station! Stay up so we can network!<br /> Peace<br /> KWRECK<br /> <br /> "John Nix" <medunetr3@bet.com><br /> <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Review by: Von Babasin<br /> <br /> The first thing that impresses me about these guys is the fact that almost every song they do is in a different genre. I really feel that the way to break the record companies cycle of endless clone bands is through true diversity. Next is excellent musicianship. And third, their humor. It doesn't seem they take anything too seriously, which is a way to keep from going insane in an insane business. You guys are great - I thoroughly enjoyed everything I heard. Plus - Abe Laboriel is a personal hero of mine - you get extra consideration just for that!<br /> <br /> Thanks for the cool tunes.<br /> <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Chicken mo -<br /> <br /> Thanks so much for getting me a great laugh from the SUNKEN SAILER!!<br /> <br /> The rest of your music shows great variety with great beats for movin and shakin. Of course I am really drawn to the bluesy-jazzy-funky-shit!!<br /> <br /> I will put a couple cuts on some of the stations I have.<br /> <br /> Stay cool,<br /> <br /> Joe Purrenhage<br /> Fuze<br /> <br /> From: "Fuze" <Fuze@mail.onlinebands.com><br /> <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Review by: Robert ~Songbear~ Jandro(Walters)<br /> <br /> If you are looking for a mind twist, then this is the band to click on. "Sunken Sailor" is a interesting, enjoyable track that we ended up laughing out loud to. The rest of the tracks are all well composed and hold your interest although you do begin wondering just how many drugs these boys are doing!!!:) Congrats on AOTD!!!<br /> Rob~Songbear~Walters<br /> <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Etienne Bichler wrote (through R T helL):<br /> <br /> moien här luxus (ech wees leider net wei dir heescht) mee ech ( den edy) wees awer dass ech iech musik gudd fannen an mei noper ( den manuel ) ass och der meenung.leider verstinn mir den text sou gudd wei guer net dofir sin ech haut mol kucken gaangen an hun d'iwwersetzung fond also probeieren mir lo nach eng keier steck fir steck vum lidd ze lausteren an den text ze iwwerstezen.ech froen mech nemmen vun wou dier un den text kommt.an mech ging nawell och nach interesseieren wei dass dier op dei idee komm sid fir sou een lidd ze maachen.an dann wollt ech nach froen op et nach een lidd vun iech ging gin??<br /> ech ging mech freen wann dier mir filleicht entwerten kinnt.wann der wellt dann schreift mir w.e.g. op dei folgend adress: fordfocus_rs@hotmail.com<br /> <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> yoyo, that drunken, sailor shit is tight, i wish i could have a beer right now, i feel you, just give me a beer and a big coke, for real, i really feel that, thats dope as fuck!!! Much love!!! Am gonna kill you, give me that beer!! hhahaha, what should we do with that drunken sailor early in the morning!! haha thats fuckin tight!! Much Love!!<br /> <br /> LIL'T<br /> <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Review by: adam kravitz<br /> <br /> Extremely interesting stuff!! Makes Elvis think twice:)<br /> Motivate<br /> <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Dude Thanks, I just listened to the Drunken sailor, that's some funny shit!!!<br /> it reminds me of my Saturday nights lately. lol<br /> <br /> Take care and have a great Holiday,<br /> Ooh and don't get to Drunk..... Awesome!<br /> Tim<br /> <br /> TimThomas1st@aol.com<br /> <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Review by: Ol'Kutty<br /> <br /> Drunken sailor is a must listen to! Enough said!!!!<br /> <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />"^^xsd:string1

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