Local view for "http://dbtune.org/jamendo/artist/58"

PredicateValue (sorted: default)
"Welcome to the brilliant theatre of illusions... <br /> To classify the musical direction of the collective known as Inborn in conventional terms would be useless, considering that their unique kabbalah-rock combines different musical styles from electronic music to psychedelic rock´n´roll to create experimental soundscapes unlike anything you may have heard before. <br /> As far as the lyrics are concerned, they are based on the general concept of artistic evolution. The surrealistic approach adds a conceptual dimension to the music. In the same way as kabbalah is known as an ancient jewish system of symbolism and thoughts having the function of a key to explain the world, their music enables you to find access to the individual personalities representing Inborn. <br /> After their foundation in early 2002, they played more and more gigs in Luxembourg and eventually won the emergenza contest which exhorted them to perform even more including festivals featuring Blackmail, Him, the Cardigans and the Blues Brothers. The band members know each other for a long time which explains their positive band chemistry, that is strongly felt in their dynamic live performances. After a creative break, Inborn released their first record `The Headtrance Session´ in January 2005, which turned into a success and got positive feedback from the luxemburgish press.<br />"^^xsd:string1

Named graphs describing this resource:


The resource appears as object in one triple:

{ The Headtrance Session, foaf:maker, Inborn }

Context graph

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