Local view for "http://dbtune.org/jamendo/artist/3944"

PredicateValue (sorted: default)
"Matti Paalanen"^^xsd:string
"<a style="font-size: 27px;" href="http://www.mikseri.net/sivut/?id=61143"> Matti Paalanen</a> is a finnish hobbyist composer who has produced music in his home studio for a few years now. His musical background is quite traditional - he played classical piano between ages 4-14 but switched to guitar and self-learning at the age of 12. In the year 2000 he began building a PC based home studio and producing various musical pieces, styles ranging from orchestral soundtracks to electronic ambient. After a few years he published the material freely on the net via his <a style="font-size: 27px;" href="http://www.mikseri.net/sivut/?id=61143">music homepage</a> at a finnish mp3 site mikseri.net.<br style="font-size: 27px;" /> <br style="font-size: 27px;" /> Currently he is a lead composer in a computer game project <a style="font-size: 27px;" href="http://cfkasper.de/ultima/">Ultima IX Redemption</a><br style="font-size: 27px;" /> <br style="font-size: 27px;" /> His own musical projects carry the names <a style="font-size: 27px;" href="http://www.wordofblog.net/redirect.php?id=1471&amp;uid=1905">Celestial Aeon Project</a>, <a style="font-size: 27px;" href="http://www.wordofblog.net/redirect.php?id=1472&amp;uid=1905">Project Divinity</a>, <a href="http://www.mikseri.net/frozensilence/">Frozen Silence</a> and <a href="http://www.mikseri.net/artists/?id=48149">Roomful of Emptiness</a><br style="font-size: 27px;" /> <br style="font-size: 27px;" /> Mikko Meril&auml;inen and Matti put up <a style="font-size: 27px;" href="http://www.mikseri.net/artists/?id=59988">Project Retouch</a> in fall of 2006."^^xsd:string

All properties reside in the graph file:///var/www/sites/dbtune-rdf-services/jamendo/static-rdf/jamendo.rdf

The resource appears as object in one triple:

{ Hollow, foaf:maker, Matti Paalanen }

Context graph

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