Local view for "http://dbtune.org/jamendo/artist/3548"

PredicateValue (sorted: default)
"<strong>Who or what is pobl?</strong><br /> <br /> Nobody knows exactly who or what pobl is. Except of course for those who do, but in all likelihood they won't tell you. You have to read on to find out the details that are available, the facts if you will.<br /> <br /> Pobl sprung into existence in the summer of '78, but only carefully and silently began producing snds about 25 odd years later. A few early attempts were made before then, but, in hindsight, the results can only be called nostalgic or a mere substance of certain moments in time.<br /> <br /> It wasn't until the manifestation of Stereoshirt, that Pobl for the first time was able to open its eyes and aditionally could exercise its first signs of strength and insight. The Stereoshirt snds were thrown into being uncontrolled, wildly and chaotic, but in a certain consistent form that defined it and even made it exceptional and unique.<br /> <br /> After 20 years of lying dormant, Pobl slowly awakened and grew during that critical period, only to eventually eat away at what had awoken it. Completely undetected, Stereoshirt was being consumed from the inside out. It took another 5 years though, before there was no more left to devour and all of a sudden Pobl quite unexpectedly had to entirely stand on its own four(?) feet.<br /> <br /> Naked, insecure, afraid and vulnerable. It looked around cautiously, not very sure of what it was seeing or feeling. Then, for the first time since its initial creation, actual snds left its mouthlike orifice."^^xsd:string

All properties reside in the graph file:///var/www/sites/dbtune-rdf-services/jamendo/static-rdf/jamendo.rdf

The resource appears as object in 2 triples

Context graph

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