Local view for "http://dbtune.org/jamendo/artist/3376"

PredicateValue (sorted: none)
"Ellissi nel Cerchio"^^xsd:string
"Ellissi nel Cerchio project starts in Milan in 2003, shaped by Luca Brazzoli, Pietro Recchi and Stefano Schiavocampo.<br /> In early-times, it was pure jam session-based fun, a divertissement of three fellows who shared in the past common musical experiences (e.g. Luca and Pietro with Fansforevans - punkrock, and Luca and Stefano with Overshade - indie rock).<br /> <br /> In the first sessions, post-rock influences and allusions to Radiohead's claustrophobic soundscapes can already be found, as well as to the typical indipedent italian rock scene of the 90's.<br /> <br /> In 2003, and for the first half of 2004, the project limits himself merely to rehearsals, in order to develope the interplay between the bandmates and to focus the ideas and the musical directions on a well-designed target.<br /> But these focuses remained foggy until the entrance of Marco Deregibus (lead vocals): even if the odd-meter-based structures of the songs determined initially an thread for Marco's songwriting, he helped Ellissi nel Cerchio in the process of defining their own style, which is, thanks to the inventiveness of the three founders, very particular and hard to define. The basis of this style can be found in the italian rock songs, not necessarily presented in the classic verse/refrain scheme, but more as a straight-ahead journey, a jouney which is described step-by-step by the lyrics of Marco.<br /> These lyrics, even if they speak about existence in a universal way, seem to be always able to penetrate the audience's intimacy.<br /> <br /> In the 2005, the project came totally to life with the pubblication of the EllissiNelCerchio/00 EP.<br /> <br /> The idea of Luca,enthusiatically supported by the rest of the band, of distributing the tracks under a Creative Commons license, gave immediately a great visibility to the project.<br /> The first reactions of the public, demonstrated at live-shows as well as in the number of downloads, seem to be very positive, encouraging the project and giving new life to its creativity.<br /> <br /> Since march 2006 Stefano has been to Dublin and Ellissi nel Cerchio is not more active now."^^xsd:string

All properties reside in the graph file:///var/www/sites/dbtune-rdf-services/jamendo/static-rdf/jamendo.rdf

The resource appears as object in one triple:

{ 00, foaf:maker, Ellissi nel Cerchio }

Context graph

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