Local view for "http://dbtune.org/jamendo/artist/336993"

PredicateValue (sorted: default)
"<div class="bcon"> <p>GeoSuPhat is one side of the musical production team&nbsp;known as Togeo and the artist name of George (Pete) Peterson.</p> <p>Born and&nbsp;raised near the shores of Lake Michigan and its cold windy winters he was Influenced by bands like Pink Floyd, Kraftwerk, Todd Rundgren, ELP, Hawkwind and his love of computers and synthesis.</p> <p>After serving in the military and a few years going to college in Colorado where he studied electronics and computer programming. George moved to Europe and settled down in Germany where he had met his wife Christine.</p> <p>Europe in the 90&rsquo;s was really a great place to be for the electronic music scene and slowly Georges roots in rock were being mingled with Techno, DnB and Ambient experimental electronica. He put down his guitar and started concentrating on electronic sound and the rapidly evolving digital revolution.The availability of the internet and multimedia pc software soon gave birth to GeoSuPhat as a pseudonym for the net.</p> <p>GeoSuPhat then teamed up with his son Tobias (sum-1) to create Togeo Studios and bought the domain togeostudios.com as place for them to post their music and art on the internet. The name Togeo being a mix of TObias and GEOrge.</p> <p>Originaly a duo with sum-1,&nbsp;it has&nbsp;recently&nbsp;become a triad with the&nbsp;addition of&nbsp;bassist and&nbsp;guitar player&nbsp;Mathias Klingner.&nbsp;A long time family friend, Klingner &quot;der Basser&quot;&nbsp;also plays bass with the rock band Cheap Thrills.&nbsp;</p> </div>"^^xsd:string

All properties reside in the graph file:///var/www/sites/dbtune-rdf-services/jamendo/static-rdf/jamendo.rdf

The resource appears as object in one triple:

{ Taking out the Trash, foaf:maker, GeoSuPhat }

Context graph

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