Table for the 7 triples with object <> on predicate ns1:composed_in sorted by label

?:"Bokserne, "The Boxers"ns1:composed_in
?:"Du skal le ad Ødelæggelse, "At Destruction and Famine Thou Shalt Laugh"ns1:composed_in
?:"FS 152". "Six Canons (For Use in Schools and Training Colleges)". For Unaccompanied Choir, texts by 1. Carl Nielsen; 2. H.C. Andersen; 3. &amp; 4. Holberg (translated by S. Muller); 5. Book of Job; 6. Carl Nielsen (his motto to the "Helios Overture")ns1:composed_in
?:"Ikke det altid slaar til, "It Isn't Always So"ns1:composed_in
?:"Stilhed og Mørke, "Silence and Dark"ns1:composed_in
?:"Traaden brister, "The Thread Snaps"ns1:composed_in
?:"Vægter, jeg beder, "Watchman I Beg You"ns1:composed_in