Table for the 7 triples with object "Seven Fantasy-Pieces for Piano" on predicate dc:isPartOf sorted by label

?:"No. 1 Elegie (Andante sostenuto con espressione) e-minor (also in orchestral arrangement)"dc:isPartOf
?:"No. 2 Scherzo (Allegro grazioso) E-major"dc:isPartOf
?:"No. 3 Barcarole (Andantino) F-major"dc:isPartOf
?:"No. 4 Humoreske (Vivace (ma non troppo)) c-minor"dc:isPartOf
?:"No. 5 Resignation (Andante espressivo) A-major (composed 3rd of April 1898, the day of Brahms' death, using the main theme from the slow movement of his Symphony no. 4) (reworked for organ by Richard Lange)"dc:isPartOf
?:"No. 6 Impromptu (Presto agitato) b-minor"dc:isPartOf
?:"No. 7 Capriccio (Vivace assai) c-minor"dc:isPartOf