Table for the 18 triples with object "for prepared piano" sorted by label

?:"And The Earth Shall Bear Again"ns2:remarks
?:"A Valentine Out of Season"ns2:remarks
?:"Daughters of the Lonesome Isle"ns2:remarks
?:"In the Name of the Holocaust"ns2:remarks
?:"Music for Marcel Duchamp"ns2:remarks
?:"Mysterious Adventure"ns2:remarks
?:"Our Spring Will Come"ns2:remarks
?:"Prelude for Meditation"ns2:remarks
?:"Root of an Unfocus"ns2:remarks
?:"Spontaneous Earth"ns2:remarks
?:"The Unavailable Memory of"ns2:remarks
?:"Tossed As It Is Untroubled"ns2:remarks
?:"Totem Ancestor"ns2:remarks
?:"Triple-Paced No. 2"ns2:remarks