Table for the 4,770 triples for predicate ns1:number

?:10 "Duo de l´opéra «Der Freischütz» de Weber", (see also: & Op. 70,11)"10"
?:10 "Hass und Liebe": "Sie haben mich gequälet""4"
?:10 "Le Meunier et le torrent tiré des Chansons de la Meunière de Fr. Schubert""12"
?:10 "Le page", "Accueille mes vœux châtelaine""10"
?:11 "Die Thräne": "Was will die einsäme Thräne""5"
?:11 "Duet de l´Opéra Der Freischütz de Weber""13"
?:11 "Le fossoyeur", "Oh combien l´homme oublie vite""11"
?:12 "Il mio tesoro", "Air de l´Opéra Don Juan de Mozart".In the Breitkof & Härtel edition pieces 9 and 11 are missing"14"
?:12 "La sérénade", "O toi, qu´en secret j´adore""12"
?:12 "Träumen und Wachen": "Ich hatt´im Traum geweinet""6"
?:13 "Des Jägers Haus": "Hier andem grünen Walde""1"
?:13 "Sérénade de l´Opéra Le barbier de Seville de Rossini""16"
?:14 "Der todte Müller": "Die Sterne über´m Thale""2"
?:14 "La dove prende", de l´Opéra La flûte enchantée de Mozart""17"
?:15 "Barcarolle de l´Opéra Gianni di Calais de Donizetti""18"
?:15 "Sprache der Liebe": "Ich hab´es den Blumen gesagt""3"
?:16 "Ein Kamerad": "Einen guten Kameraden fand ich""4"
?:16 "Trio et Duetto La ci darem la mano, de l´Opéra Don Juan de Mozart""19"
?:17 "Sérénade de l´Opéra L´amant jaloux de Grétry""20"
?:17 "Todtengräberlied": "Wie doch so schnell der Mensch vergisst""5"
?:18 "Assisa a piè d´un salice", "de l´Opéra Otello de Rossini""21"
?:18 "Im Dunkeln": "Sie haben heute Abend Gesellschaft""6"
?:19 "Casta diva", "Cavatine de Norma de Bellini""23"
?:19 "Einsiedlers Blumen / Seine Blumen", "Ihr blühet wohl, liebe Blumen""1"
?:1 "Der Schiffer", "Es fahren die Schiffer""1"
?:1 "Ihre Augen": "Du hast Diamanten und Perlen""1"
?:1 "La cadence. Impromptu en forme d´étude""1"
?:1 "Le départ de l´étudiant", "Doux berceaux de mon enfance""1"
?:1 "L'Illusion", ("Illusion")"1"
?:1 "Quatuor de l´Opéra: I Puritani de Bellini""2"
?:1. "Sænk kun dit Hoved, du Blomst, "Just Bow Your Head, Oh Flower""6"
?:1. "Sænk kun dit Hoved, du Blomst, "Just Bow Your Head, Oh Flower""6"
?:1. "Skal Blomsterne da visne, "Shall then the Flowers Wither?""2"
?:1. "Skal Blomsterne da visne, "Shall then the Flowers Wither?""2"
?:"1. "To the Children""2"
?:1 "Within the Convent Garden""1"
?:20 "Mon coeur soupire", "Air du Marriage de Figaro""24"
?:20 "Seine Harfe", "O Harfe! Dir hab´ich frühe""2"
?:21 "Quatuor d´Euryanthe de Weber""25"
?:21 "Sein Kreuz", "Sie wanden Dir eine Kron""3"
?:22 "David sur le rocher blanc", "Ancien air de Barde du Pays de Galles""26"
?:22 "Seine Glocken", "Oft wenn ich verzag im Kampfe""4"
?:23 "Chanson et Choeur de Jahreszeiten de Haydn""27"
?:23 "Sein Grab", "Dies Grab hat mir gegraben""5"
?:24 "Fenesta vascia", "Chanson napolitaine""28"
?:24 "Sein Begräbnis", "Und bin ich dereinst verschieden""6"
?:27 "Thränen", No. 1: "Was ist´s, Vater, was ich versprach""1"
?:28 "Thränen", No. 2: "Nicht der Thau, Trau und nicht der Regen""2"
?:29 "Im Herbst": "Ein kalter Todesschauer""5"
?:2. "Den første Lærke, "The first Lark""7"
?:2. "Den første Lærke, "The First Lark""7"
?:2 "Der Wanderer": "In Windsgeräusch""2"
?:2 "Etude de perfection""2"
?:2. "Høgen, "The Hawk""3"
?:2. "Høgen, "The Hawk""3"
?:2 "La curieuse", ("Die Neugierige")"2"
?:2 "Le franc archer", "Que la foudre et la tempête""2"
?:2 "Letzter Besuch", "Ich hab' vor ihr gestanden""2"
?:2 "Mid Stormy Winds""2"
?:"2. "The Blue-Eyes Fairy""3"
?:2 "Tre giorni, Air de Pergolese""3"
?:30 "Segen der Grossmutter": "Traum der eignen Tage""6"
?:31 "An den Frühling": "Was lockst du mich""1"
?:32 "Heimlicher Schmerz": "Hast du Schmerzen je getraten""2"
?:33 "Erwachen": "Ich schlief wohl eine lange Nacht""3"
?:34 "Stille der Nacht": "Die Sterne blicken trübe""4"
?:35 "An den Mond": "Wie blickst du feucht und trübe""5"
?:36 "Der Ring": "Du Ring am meinem Finger""6"
?:37 "Des Jägermädchens Klage": "Jetzt wohl geht auf öden Wegen""1"
?:38 "Der Traum": "Im Traum sah ich die Geliebte""2"
?:39 "Der Verlobten": "Wenn deine Hochzeit nahet""3"
?:3 "Abreise": "Der Mond, der scheinet so bleich""3"
?:3 "Adelaide de Beethoven""4"
?:3 Écossaises (1826)"3"
?:3. "Husvild, "Homeless""8"
?:3. "Husvild, "Homeless""8"
?:3. "Jens Vejmand, "Jens the Roadmender""4"
?:3. "Jens Vejmand, "Jens the Roadmender""4"
?:3 "La fiancée trahie", "Hier encore la parjure""3"
?:3 "La poste", ("Die Post")"3"
?:3 "Mi manca la voce" de l´opéra «Moïse» de Rossini""3"
?:"3. "My Old Tunes""4"
?:3 "O Joyous Smile""3"
?:"3 x Refrain 2000""11½"
?:40 "Die Unglückliche": "In Deinen schönen Augen""4"
?:41 "Sommernacht": "Schweigend ruh´ ich hier""5"
?:42 "Abschied": "In meinem dunkeln Leben""6"
?:43 "Nacht": "So schaurig ist die finstere Nacht""1"
?:44 "Vor meiner Wiege": "Das also, das ist der enge Schrein""2"
?:45 "Der Findling": "Ich habe keinen Vater""3"
?:46 "Wanderers Liebesschmerz I": "Es ist für schlimme Augen""4"
?:47 "Wanderers Liebesschmerz II": "Ob sie meiner wohl gedenkt""5"
?:48 "Warum?": "Warum sind denn die Rosen so blass""6"
?:4 "Air d´Église du célèbre chanteur Stradella""5"
?:4 "Fröhliches Scheiden": "Gar fröhlich kann ich scheiden""4"
?:4. "Godnat, "Goodnight""9"
?:4. "Godnat, "Goodnight""9"
?:4 "La faction du soudard", "J´entends galoper dans la prairie""4"
?:4 "La Romanesca, Fameux air de danse du 16ème siècle""4"
?:4 "One Alone hath the token""4"
?:5 "Canzonette italienne, "Felice donzella" de Dessauer""5"
?:5 "Die Nonne": "Im stillen Klostergarten""5"
?:5 "I wept amid my dreaming""5"
?:5 "Lacrimosa tiré du Requiem de Mozart" and "Duo des Nocces de Figaro, Opéra de Mozart""6"
?:5 "Les vœux", "Le front couché sur la pierre""5"
?:6 "Amid the greenwood smiling""6"
?:6 "Der Reitersmann": "Kaum gedacht, war der Lust ein End gemacht""6"
?:6 "Franck, le garde de nuit", "L´horloge sonne quatre heures""6"
?:6 "Perchè mi guardi e piangi", "Duetto de Zelmira, Opéra de Rossini""7"
?:6 "Romance sans paroles""6"
?:7 "Bella adorata incognita", "Romance de l'Opéra Il Giuramento de Mercadante""9"
?:7 "Lebe wohl": "Schöne Wiege meiner Leiden""1"
?:7 "Le départ du lansquenet", "Adieu, Kethy ma belle""7"
?:7 "Nocturne", (see also: ;ref>Pieces 7 - 10 were appended in subsequent editions"7"
?:7 "The hour of rest""7"
?:8 "Choeur des conjurés de l'Opéra Il crociato de Meyerbeer""10"
?:8 "Der Strom": "Berg und Burgen schauen herunter""2"
?:8 "Deuxième romance", (A catalogue entry only, the work has not yet been identified.)"8"
?:8 "I've sign'd to the rose""8"
?:8 "La ronde du bandoulier", "Libre et fier sur mon coursier""8"
?:9 "Einsam bin ich nicht alleine", "de l´Opéra Preciosa de Weber""11"
?:9 "Le fauconnier", "Voici la fraîche aurore""9"
?:9 "Mitgefühl": "Und wüsstens die Blumen""3"
?:9 "Valse, "Pauline" de Charles de Saint Robert""9"
?:9 "With wirth the cottage""9"
?:Aa grisen hadde eit tryne"8"
?:Aa kleggen han sa no te flugga si"17"
?:Aa Ole engang i sinde"10"
?:A Baratinha de Papel (The Paper Little Cockroach)"1"
?:"Abendlied: Das Tagewerk ist abgethan""9"
?:"Abendständchen: Schlafe, Liebchen, weil's auf Erden""2"
?:"Ab imo pectore""2"
?:"Above all praises""3"
?:Above All Praises (Ascension)"3"
?:A Bruxa (A Boneca de Pano) - The Witch (The Cloth Doll)"8"
?:"Abschied der Zugvögel: Wie war so schön doch Wald und Feld!""2"
?:"Abschiedstafel: So ruckt denn in die Runde""4"
?:"Abschied vom Wald: O Thaler weit, o Höhen""3"
?:A Canoa Virou"10"
?:A Canoa Virou - The Canoe Capsized"14"
?:Accompaniment of Nos. 1 and 2 of "Victorious Spring", arranged for piano (1945)"1"
?:"Ach, arme Welt, du trügst mich""2"
?:"Ach, Wende Diesen Blick""4"
?:A cloudlet: "A storm-cloudlet rushed by over the field" Тучка: "Пронеслась над полем тучка грозовая" = Tučka: "Proneslas' nad polem tučka grozovaja""3"
?:"À Clymène""4"
?:A Condessa - (The Countess)"2"
?:Act 1"2"
?:Act 1"4"
?:Act 2"11"
?:Act 2"16"
?:Act 2"2"
?:Act 2"5"
?:Act 2"8"
?:Act 2"9"
?:Act 3"17"
?:Act 3"19"
?:Act 3"20"
?:Act 3"22"
?:Act 3"31"
?:Act 3"6"
?:Act 4"11"
?:Act 4"26"
?:Act 4"34"
?:Act 4 (Scene 2)"30"
?:Act 5"14"
?:Act 5"31"
?:Act 5"47"
?:Act 5 (Scene 2)"36"
?:Acuérdate bien, mío (Remember well, mine)"3"
?:Adagietto in E minor"4"
?:"Adagio" in D major"2"
?:"Adagio" in F major"4"
?:"Adagio non troppo" in E major"3"
?:Adeus, Bela Morena"2"
?:A dream: "I heard a mellifluous melody" Сон : "Я услышал напев сладкозвучный = "Son: Ja uslyšal napev sladkosvučnyj""3"
?:Adspice Domine de sede"1"
?:"Ae Lastrae, "The Haypole""4"
?:Aeolian harps: "A drought... the air sleeps" Эоловы арфи: "Засуха... Воздух спит" = 'Eolovy arfi: "Zasukha... vozdukh spit""3"
?:Aften på Højfjeldet"4"
?:"Agitato e con fuoco" in B minor"4"
?:"Agitato" in A minor"5"
?:Agnus Dei"5"
?:Agnus Dei"6"
?:Agnus Dei"8"
?:"Agnus Dei" in F minor"3"
?:Agnus Dei (with electronic tape delay and congregation/audience participation)"6"
?:"Airs irlandais variés""No.10"
?:A la Ballada"2"
?:"Alborada del gracioso""4"
?:Album Leaf in E flat major"1"
?:"Aldrig hans Ord kan jeg glemme""1"
?:"Alla fugue""2"
?:Alla Menuetto, ma poco piu lento"3"
?:"Alle Freuden alle Gaben""4"
?:Allegresse in C major"7"
?:Allegretto agitato"1"
?:Allegretto con grazia"3"
?:Allegretto con moto"13"
?:Allegretto con moto"14"
?:Allegretto con moto"7"
?:"Allegretto con moto" in B-flat major"6"
?:Allegretto grazioso"2"
?:"Allegretto grazioso" in A major ("Frühlingslied" or "Spring Song")"6"
?:"Allegretto" in A major"5"
?:"Allegretto" in G major"3"
?:"Allegretto" in G major"3"
?:Allegretto marcato"1"
?:"Allegretto (sol majeur)""1"
?:"Allegretto tranquillo" in F-sharp minor ("Venezianisches Gondellied" or Venetian Boat Song No. 2)"6"
?:Allegretto tranquilo e grazioso"2"
?:Allegro agitato"1"
?:Allegro agitato"1"
?:"Allegro agitato" in A minor"2"
?:Allegro assai"3"
?:Allegro assai"5"
?:Allegro assai"8"
?:"Allegro assai" in G minor"5"
?:"Allegro assai" in G minor"5"
?:Allegro cantabile"2"
?:"Allegro con anima" in G major"4"
?:Allegro con burla"4"
?:"Allegro con fuoco" in A minor ("Volkslied")"5"
?:"Allegro con fuoco" in B-flat major"2"
?:Allegro con leggerezza"1"
?:Allegro con moto"2"
?:Allegro con moto"4"
?:Allegro con moto"6"
?:Allegro desiderio"3"
?:"Allegro di molto" in B-flat minor"2"
?:Allegro drammatico"3"
?:"Allegro giocoso""7"
?:Allegro giocoso"3"
?:"Allegro (la mineur)""1"
?:"Allegro leggiero" in F-sharp minor"2"
?:Allegro ma non troppo"1"
?:"Allegro moderato""1"
?:Allegro moderato"1"
?:Allegro moderato"5"
?:Allegro moderato alla marcia"3"
?:Allegro moderato e marcato"1"
?:"Allegro moderato e pomposo - Andante - I tempo"2"
?:"Allegro molto""2"
?:Allegro molto"4"
?:Allegro molto e vivace, quasi presto"3"
?:"Allegro non troppo" in C minor"2"
?:"Allegro non troppo" in E-flat major"2"
?:"Allegro non troppo" in E major"6"
?:"Allegro non troppo" in G major"1"
?:"Allegro non troppo" in G major"1"
?:Allegro piacevole; 2. Larghetto; 3. Allegretto"1"
?:Allegro scherzando"6"
?:Allegro vivace"20"
?:"Allegro vivace" in A major ("Kinderstücke")"5"
?:"Alles, alles in den Wind""11"
?:"All meine Herzgedanken""5"
?:"Allnächtlich im Traume seh' ich dich: Allnächtlich im Traume""4"
?:also No. 6 (sketches, elaborated by Anthony Payne 2005-06)"5"
?:"Altdeutsches Frühlingslied: Der trübe Winter ist vorbei""6"
?:"Altdeutsches Lied: Es ist in den Wald gesungen""1"
?:"Alte Liebe""1"
?:"Am Abend""17"
?:"Am Donaustrande, da steht ein Haus""9"
?:"Âme triste""2"
?:"Am feierabend""5"
?:"Am Gesteine rauscht die Flut""2"
?:"Am Himmel wandre ich""36½"
?:"Am Meer""12"
?:"Amour d'antan""2"
?:"Am Sonntag Morgen""1"
?:"Am Strande""3"
?:"Am Strande""9"
?:Andante; 2. Allegretto"1"
?:Andante: Allegro molto e risoluto"4"
?:"Andante con moto" in A-flat major"1"
?:"Andante con moto" in A-flat major ("Duetto")"6"
?:"Andante con moto" in A minor ("Venezianisches Gondellied" or Venetian Boat Song No. 3)"5"
?:"Andante con moto" in D major"4"
?:"Andante con moto" in D major"4"
?:"Andante con moto" in E major"1"
?:Andante con sentimento"4"
?:"Andante espressivo" in A minor"2"
?:"Andante espressivo" in E-flat major"1"
?:"Andante espressivo" in F major"1"
?:"Andante espressivo" in G major"1"
?:"Andante grazioso" in D major"5"
?:"Andante" in A major"4"
?:Andante in B major"2"
?:"Andante" in C major"6"
?:"Andante" in E-flat major"1"
?:"Andante" in E major"1"
?:"Andante maestoso" in E minor ("Trauermarsch")"3"
?:"Andante moderato""3"
?:Andante molto"2"
?:"Andante quasi allegretto""1"
?:Andante quasi allegretto"4"
?:"Andante sostenuto" in D major"4"
?:"Andante sostenuto" in E-flat major"2"
?:"Andante sostenuto" in E-flat major"2"
?:"Andante sostenuto" in G minor ("Venezianisches Gondellied" Venetian Boat Song No. 1)"6"
?:"Andante tranquillo" in B-flat major"3"
?:"Andante un poco agitato" in E minor"1"
?:"Andenken: Die Bäume grünen überall""1"
?:"An Den Mond""2"
?:"An die Entfernte: Diese Rose pflück' ich hier""3"
?:"An die fernen Geliebten""5"
?:"An die Heimat""1"
?:"An Die Nachtigall""4"
?:"An Die Stolze""1"
?:"An Die Tauben""4"
?:"An Ein Bild""3"
?:"An Eine Aeolsharfe""5"
?:"An Ein Veilchen""2"
?:Anitras dans"16"
?:Anitras Dans"3"
?:"An jeder Hand die Finger""3"
?:A) Orchesterfassung"1"
?:A Pobrezinha (A Boneca de Trapo) - The Poor Little Doll (The Rag Doll)"6"
?:"Après un rêve""1"
?:À Procura de uma Agulha - Looking for a Needle"13"
?:Arabisk Dans"15"
?:Arabisk Dans"2"
?:"A Rondo of Pleyel" in C major"1"
?:arranged for Viola and String Orchestra (1976) for Cecil Aronowitz"1"
?:Arrangement of Music to "The Bedbug" for piano (1929)"2"
?:Arrangement of No. 15 of Twenty-Four Preludes and Fugues for two pianos (1963)"15"
?:Arrangement of Nos. 1, 2 and 3 of "Four Romances on Verses by Pushkin" for bass and string orchestra (1936-1937)"2"
?:Åses Død"12"
?:Åses Død"2"
?:"A Song of Flight""2"
?:"Aspen Trees""3"
?:Asperi oculos tuos"2"
?:Asperi oculos tuos"4"
?:Assai allegro furioso"23"
?:"Assez vif, très rythmé""2"
?:A Suite from "Blue Monday" for two pianos was later arranged and has been recorded"1"
?:"Au bord de l'eau""1"
?:"Au cimetière""2"
?:"Au cimetière""5"
?:"Auf dem Flusse""7"
?:"Auf Dem Kirchhofe""4"
?:"Auf Dem Schiffe""2"
?:"Auf Dem See""2"
?:"Auf Dem See""2"
?:"Auf dem See: Und frische Nahrung""6"
?:"Auf der Wanderschaft: Ich wand're fort ins ferne Land""5"
?:"Auferstanden, auferstanden""5"
?:"Auf Flügeln des Gesanges: Auf Flügeln des Gesanges""2"
?:"Auf ihrem Grab: Auf ihrem Grab""4"
?:"Aujourd'hui ciel noir" ("Símero mávros uranós""5"
?:"Auprès de cette grotte sombre""1"
?:"Aus tiefer Not schrei' ich zu dir""1"
?:"Aux damoyselles paresseusses""3"
?:"Avant que tu ne t'en ailles""6"
?:"Ave Maria""2"
?:Ave Maria"1"
?:"Ave Maria" / "Jesu, Lord of Life and Glory""2"
?:Ave maris stella"3"
?:"Ave maris stella" / "Jesu, Meek and Lowly""3"
?:Ave verum"2"
?:"Ave verum corpus" / "Jesu, Word of God Incarnate""1"
?:"A Walk into the Future" from "Song of the Forests""2"
?:"Balance All And Swing Partners""3"
?:"Ballade des femmes de Paris: Quoy qu'on tient belles langagières""3"
?:"Ballade de Villon à s'Amye: Faulse beauté qui tant me couste cher""1"
?:Ballade in G minor"3"
?:"Ballade que Villon feit à la requeste de sa mère pour prier Nostre Dame: Dame du ciel, régente terrienne""2"
?:Balletto No. 1 in D minor"1"
?:Balletto No. 2 in F major"2"
?:Balletto No. 3 in D major"3"
?:Balletto No. 4 in B-flat major"4"
?:Balletto No. 5 in C major"5"
?:Balletto No. 6 in G minor"6"
?:based on "A Dream Play" by August Strindberg, libretto by the composer"1"
?:based on the book by Edith Sitwell, libretto by Geoffrey Dunn"1"
?:based on the novel by Graham Greene, libretto by Sidney Gilliat"1"
?:based on the novel by Patrick Leigh Fermor, libretto by William Chappell"1"
?:bass clarinet, Nr. 85.1 (2006)"85.1"
?:"Beati mortui: Beati mortui in Domino""1"
?:"Beautiful Day" from "The Fall of Berlin", song for two-part children's chorus and piano (1950)"2"
?:Bedstemors Menuet"2"
?:"Bei der Wiege: Schlummre! Schlummre und träume von kommender Zeit""6"
?:"Bei dir allein""2"
?:"Bei Dir Sind Meine Gedanken""2"
?:"Beim Abschied"3"
?:"Bel fantasmo tu fosti al mio pensiero""1"
?:"Bella, perché tu forsi""2"
?:"Beneath The Southern Cross""2"
?:Benedictus for two sopranos and harp (1890)"2"
?:"Benedictus" in F major"2"
?:Berceuse : "Dors, mon fieux, dors""1"
?:B) Für Streichquartett, von Haydn selbst bearbeitet"1"
?:"Biondo crin, occhio nero, e sen d’avorio""3"
?:"Bitteres Zu Sagen Denkst Du""7"
?:"Blinde Kuh""1"
?:"Blues. Moderato (la bémol majeur)""2"
?:"Bluhe Liebes Veilhen" in G major"2"
?:"Bokserne, "The Boxers""1"
?:Bondens Sang"2"
?:Book 1"1"
?:Book 1"1"
?:Book 2"5"
?:Book 2, (1833-1834)"8"
?:Book 3"7"
?:Book 3, (1836-1837)"15"
?:Book 4"10"
?:Book 4, (1839-1841)"22"
?:Book 5"12"
?:Book 5, (1842-1844)"29"
?:Book 6"15"
?:Book 6, (1843-1845)"36"
?:Book 7"17"
?:Book 7, (1834-1845)"43"
?:Book 8, (1842-1845)"50"
?:Branquinha (A Boneca de Louça) - Little White Doll (The Porcelain Doll)"1"
?:"Brauner Bursche führt zum Tanze""5"
?:"Brennessel steht an Weges Rand""5"
?:Brudefølget drager forbi"2"
?:Brudefølget drar forbi"2"
?:Bruderovet - Ingrids Klage"1"
?:Bruremarsch ( efter Møllarguten )"8"
?:Bruremarsch fra Telemarken"3"
?:Bryllupsdag på Troldhaugen"6"
?:BuxWV 252 - Sonata in F major for violin, viola da gamba and basso continuo"1"
?:BuxWV 253 - Sonata in G major for violin, viola da gamba and basso continuo"2"
?:BuxWV 254 - Sonata in A minor for violin, viola da gamba and basso continuo"3"
?:BuxWV 255 - Sonata in B-flat major for violin, viola da gamba and basso continuo"4"
?:BuxWV 256 - Sonata in C major for violin, viola da gamba and basso continuo"5"
Skipped 3,770 rows
?:Suite from "Golden Mountains" for orchestra (1931)"1"
?:Suite from "Hamlet" for orchestra (1964)"1"
?:Suite from "Hamlet" for small orchestra (1932)"1"
?:Suite from "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District" for orchestra (1930-1932)"1"
?:Suite from "Meeting on the Elbe" for voices and orchestra (1948)"1"
?:Suite from "Michurin" for chorus and orchestra (1964)"1"
?:Suite from "Pirogov" for orchestra (1947)"1"
?:Suite from "The Adventures of Korzinkina""1"
?:Suite from "The Age of Gold" for orchestra (1929-1930)"1"
?:Suite from "The Bedbug" for orchestra (1929)"1"
?:Suite from "The Bolt" for orchestra (1931)"1"
?:Suite from "The Fall of Berlin" for chorus and orchestra (1950)"1"
?:Suite from "The First Echelon" for chorus and orchestra (1956)"1"
?:Suite from "The Gadfly" for orchestra (1955)"1"
?:Suite from "The Limpid Stream" for orchestra (1934-1935)"1"
?:Suite from "The Nose", for tenor, baritone and orchestra (1927-1928)"1"
?:Suite from "The Tale of the Priest and of His Workman Balda""1"
?:Suite from "The Young Guard""1"
?:Suite from "Zoya" for chorus and orchestra (1944)"1"
?:Suite; includes:"1"
?:Suite; includes:"1"
?:Suite (Movements 2-9)"2"
?:Suite of Five Fragments from the Opera "Katarina Izmailova" for orchestra (1963)"1"
?:Suite on Verses by Buonarrotti for bass and orchestra (1975)"1"
?:Suite pour Violes de Gambe No. 1 in E minor"1"
?:Suite pour Violes de Gambe No. 2 in A major"2"
?:Suite (prepared by Glazunov and M. Steinberg)"2"
?:"Suleika: Ach, um deine feuchten Schwingen""4"
?:"Suleika und Hatem: An des lust'gen Brunnens Rand""12"
?:"Suleika: Was bedeutet die Bewegung?""3"
?:Sumit unus, summunt mille"7"
?:"Surgi de la croupe et du bond""3"
?:Surrexit pastor"3"
?:"Süss sind mir die Schollen des Tales""5"
?:Svundne Dage"1"
?:Symphonic Prologue to a Tragedy"2"
?:Symphonic Suite "Gloriana" for tenor or oboe and orchestra, 1954"1"
?:"Synthi-Fou (Klavierstück XV)""61⅔"
?:"Tarantella" from "The Gadfly""2"
?:Tempo de Menuetto ed energico"2"
?:Tempo di valse"1"
?:Tempo di Valse in E minor"2"
?:Tempo di Valse moderato in C sharp minor"1"
?:Tenth Hour: "Glanz""90"
?:Terezinha de Jesus"1"
?:"The Black Man""3"
?:"The Bridegroom""15"
?:"The Bridegroom""15"
?:The burnt letter: "Farewell, love-letter, farewell" Сожженное письмо : "Прощай, письмо любви, прощай" = Sožženoe pis'mo: "Proščaj, pis'mo ljubvi, proščaj""4"
?:"The Campfire Girls""2"
?:"The Crafty Villain And The Timid Maid""2"
?:"The Dance (Sonnenbichl)"; 2. "Lullaby (In Hammersbach)"; 3. "The Marksmen (Bei Murnau)""1"
?:"The Destruction Of Pompeii And Nydia's Death""3"
?:"The Double-End""11"
?:"The Double-End""11"
?:"The Fountain""2"
?:"The Fourth of August""1"
?:"The Friends Of The Children"; six easy sonatinas"4"
?:"The Genial Hostess""1"
?:"The Kaffir On The Karoo""1"
?:"The King Of France With Twenty-Thousand Men Marched Up The Hill And Then Down Again.""1"
?:"The Lass of Richmond Hill" in G major"1"
?:"The Lass of Richmond Hill" in G major ("2"
?:"The Lively Flapper""3"
?:The Masque"2"
?:Theme, "(Enigma)" (andante); Var.1. "C.A.E." (andante); 2. "H.D.S.-P." (allegro); 3. "R.B.T." (allegretto); 4. "W.M.B." (allegro di molto); 5. "R.P.A." (moderato); 6. "Ysobel" (andantino); 7. "Troyte" (presto); 8. "W.N." (allegretto); 9. "Nimrod" (adagio); 10. Intermezzo, "Dorabella" (allegretto); 11. "G.R.S." (allegro di molto); 12. "B.G.N." (andante); 13. Romanza, "***" (moderato); Finale, "E.D.U." (allegro)"1"
?:"The Messenger""7"
?:"The Messenger""7"
?:"The Plough Boy" in C major"1"
?:"The Red Man""1"
?:"There is sweet Music""1"
?:"There Were Kisses""1"
?:"The Ring""14"
?:"The Ring""14"
?:"The River""2"
?:"The Sad River""3"
?:"The Sad River""3"
?:"The Serenaders""1"
?:"The Shepherd's Song""1"
?:"The Shower""1"
?:"The Snow""1"
?:The statue at Tsarskoye Selo: "Having dropped a urn of water" Царскосельская статуя: "Урну с водой уронив" = Carskosel'skaja statuja: "Urnu s vodoj uroniv""7"
?:"The Torch""1"
?:"The Warrior""10"
?:"The Warrior""10"
?:"The White Man""2"
?:"The Wish""1"
?:"The Wish""1"
?:Third Entry"47"
?:Third Hour: "Natürliche Dauern 1-24""83"
?:Thirteenth Hour: "Cosmic Pulses", electronic music, Nr. 93 (2006-07)"93"
?:This was premiered at the same 1931 concert as William Walton's "Belshazzar's Feast""1"
?:Thou and you: "The empty 'you' with the heartfelt 'thou'" Ты и вы : "Пустое вы, сердечным ты" = Ty i vy: "Pustoe vy, serdečnym ty""11"
?:"Though, O Jehovah, Abideth Forever""4"
?:"Thou, Lord, our refuge hast been""2"
?:Thou, Lord, Our Refuge (New Year)"2"
?:Three Musical Pictures (introductions to Act 1, Act 2, and Act 4, Tableau 2)"1"
?:Three Songs from "Meeting on the Elbe" for voice and piano (1956)"2"
?:"Through the Long Days""2"
?:"Tiefe Sehnsucht""7"
?:"Tierces majeures chromatiques""5"
?:"Tierces majeures et mineures""1"
?:"Til Asali, "To Asali""3"
?:"Til Asali, "To Asali""3"
?:Til Foråret"6"
?:"T'intendo si, mio cor""2"
?:"Toccata d'après le cinquième concerto""6"
?:Todo Mundo Passa"7"
?:To-stemmig Preludium"15"
?:Tota pulchra es"2"
?:"Tournoiement (Songe d'opium)""6"
?:"Toves Sang, "Tove’s song""3"
?:"To Women""2"
?:"Traaden brister, "The Thread Snaps""2"
?:"Traits chromatiques""2"
?:Transcribed for cello and 13 string instruments (1982)"1"
?:Transcribed for children’s choir and orchestra (1952)"1"
?:Transcribed for clarinet and chamber orchestra (1955)"1"
?:Transcribed for mezzo-soprano and orchestra (1953)"2"
?:Transcribed for nine instruments (1959)"2"
?:Transcribed for soprano and instrumental ensemble (1958)"1"
?:Transcribed for soprano voice, female chorus and orchestra (1984-1989) 45-50’"1"
?:Transcribed for voice and chamber orchestra (1952)"1"
?:Transcription of Op. 147 for cello and piano (1975)"1"
?:Transcription of Prelude Op. 34 No. 14 for orchestra (1932-1933)"14"
?:Transcription of Scherzo in E-flat major for solo piano (1923-1924)"1"
?:Transcription of Theme and Variations in B-flat major for solo piano (1921-1922)"1"
?:Transcription of Twenty-Four Preludes for orchestra (1932-1933)"2"
?:Transcription of Twenty-Four Preludes for violin and piano (1932-1933)"1"
?:Transcription of "Two Fables of Krilov" for mezzo-soprano and piano (1922)"1"
?:"Traun! Bogen und Pfeil sind gut für den Feind""2"
?:"Tree, leafless""1"
?:"Très lent""3"
?:Très lent, contemplatif"2"
?:"Très vif (la mineur)""2"
?:"Treue Liebe""1"
?:"Treue Liebe dauert lange""15"
?:"Trinklied: So lang man nüchtern ist""3"
?:Trio concertant Op.1 No.1 in F# major (M. 1)"1"
?:Trio concertant Op.1 No.2 "Trio de salon""2"
?:Trio concertant Op.1 No.3 (M. 3)"3"
?:Trio concertant Op.2 (M. 4)"4"
?:Trio for piano, flute or violin and cello"1"
?:Trio for piano, violin and cello"1"
?:Trio for piano, violin and cello"1"
?:Trio for piano, violin and cello"1"
?:Trio for piano, violin and cello"1"
?:Trio for piano, violin and cello"2"
?:Trio for piano, violin and cello"3"
?:Trio No. 1"1"
?:Trio No. 1"1"
?:Trio No. 1"1"
?:Trio No. 1"1"
?:Trio No. 1"1"
?:Trio No. 1"1"
?:Trio No. 1"1"
?:Trio No. 1"2"
?:Trio No. 2"2"
?:Trio No. 2"2"
?:Trio No. 2"2"
?:Trio No. 2"2"
?:Trio No. 2"2"
?:Trio No. 2"2"
?:Trio No. 2"2"
?:Trio No. 2"3"
?:Trio No. 3"3"
?:Trio No. 3"3"
?:Trio No. 3"3"
?:Trio No. 3"3"
?:Trio No. 3"3"
?:Trio No. 3"3"
?:Trio No. 3"4"
?:"Trockne Blumen""18"
?:"Trois beaux oiseaux du paradis""2"
?:Troisième Leçon de Ténèbres"3"
?:"Trois moines crétois" ("Trîs kalogéri kritikí""4"
?:"Trompette et tambour""6"
?:"Trost In Tränen""5"
?:"Tröstung: Werde heiter, mein Gemüthe""1"
?:trumpet, Nr. 85.3 (2006)"85.3"
?:"Türkisches Schenkenlied: Setze mir nicht, du Grobian""1"
?:Tussebrurefæra på Vossevangen"14"
?:Twelfth Hour: "Erwachen""92"
?:"Twelve little Pieces on his own songs from for Violin and Piano""6"
?:Twentieth Hour: "Edentia", for soprano saxophone and electronic music, Nr. 100 (2007)"100"
?:Twenty-first Hour: "Paradies""101"
?:"Two little Sonatas for Violin and Piano""3"
?:"Two Pewits""1"
?:Two Rondos And Two Fugues"4"
?:Two Songs from the Music to "The First Echelon" for voice and piano (1956)"2"
?:"Tyst som Aa i Engen rinder, "As Quietly as the Stream Runs in the Meadow""3"
?:Tyven og mottageren"14"
?:"Über den Bergen""8"
?:"Über die Grenzen des All""3"
?:"Über Die Heide""4"
?:"Über Die See""7"
?:"Unbewegte Laue Luft""8"
?:"Under The American Flag""2"
?:"Under The Cuban Flag""3"
?:"Under the Elder""2"
?:"Under The Spanish Flag""1"
?:"Une barque sur l'océan""3"
?:"Une perdrix descendait" ("Mià pérdika katévene""3"
?:"Une Sainte en son auréole""1"
?:Ungersvenden han bad sin pige"2"
?:"Un poco agitato, ma andante" in G minor"4"
?:"Unsere Väter hofften auf dich""1"
?:"Urians Reise um die Welt""1"
?:"Vægter, jeg beder, "Watchman I Beg You""3"
?:"Vaisseaux, nous vous aurons aimés""4"
?:Valse in C-sharp minor (1846)"2"
?:Valse mélancolique"6"
?:Vamos Atrás de Serra, Calunga - Let's Go to the Mountain, Calunga"8"
?:Vamos, Maninha"3"
?:Vamos Ver a Mulatinha"8"
?:Våren (A. O. Vinje)"5"
?:Variation III "Un poco piu mosso""4"
?:Variation II "Piu mosso""3"
?:Variation I "L'istesso tempo""2"
?:Variation IV "L'istesso tempo""5"
?:Variation IX "Quasi adagio""10"
?:Variations for piano"1"
?:Variations on a Theme of Mozart"5"
?:Variation VII "Allegro moderato""8"
?:Variation VIII "Andante molto moderato""9"
?:Variation VI "Molto adagio""7"
?:Variation V "Un poco piu mosso""6"
?:Variation X "Allegro vivo""11"
?:Variation XI "Andante molto, moderato espressivo""12"
?:Vårt løsen"2"
?:Ved Gellerts Grav"10"
?:Ved Gellerts Grav"3"
?:"Veilles-tu, ma senteur de soleil?""7"
?:"Venetianisches Gondellied: Wenn durch die Piazetta""5"
?:Veni, Domine"1"
?:"Vergangen ist mir Glück und Heil""7"
?:"Vergangen Ist Mir Glück Und Heil""6"
?:"Vergebliches Ständchen""4"
?:"Verlorne Jugend""4"
?:"Verlust: Und wussten's die Blumen""10"
?:version. A new Adagio, plus a coda for the Scherzo (not retained in the next two versions)"1876"
?:version. A new "Hunting" Scherzo and the "Volkfest" Finale"1878"
?:Version for male chorus"1"
?:Version for male chorus and piano (1951)"1"
?:Version for mezzo-soprano and chamber orchestra (1953)"1"
?:Version for mixed chorus a capella (1951)"1"
?:Version for mixed chorus a capella (1951)"1"
?:Version for mixed chorus and male chorus a capella (1952)"1"
?:Version for mixed chorus and orchestra (1952)"1"
?:Version for mixed chorus and orchestra (1952)"1"
?:Version for piano and orchestra (1979)"1"
?:Version for symphonic orchestra (1951)"1"
?:Version for viola and cello (1962)"1"
?:Version for violin and orchestra (1988)"1"
?:Version for voice and chamber orchestra (1953)"1"
?:version. Harp in the Trio, fewer cymbal clashes in the Adagio"1890"
?:version "Linzer""1866"
?:version. Some Wagner quotations were removed"1877"
?:version "Wiener""1891"
?:version with the Adagio second and the Scherzo third"1877"
?:version with the Scherzo second and the Adagio third"1872"
?:"Verzicht, o Herz, auf Rettung""1"
?:Veslemøy lengtar"5"
?:"Vibekes Sang, "Vibeke’s song""2"
?:"Vielgeliebte schöne Frau""8"
?:Viennese Dances"5"
?:"Vier Lieder Aus Dem Jungbrunnen (1)""7"
?:"Vier Lieder Aus Dem Jungbrunnen (2)""8"
?:"Vier Lieder Aus Dem Jungbrunnen (3)""9"
?:"Vier Lieder Aus Dem Jungbrunnen (4)""10"
?:"Vier Sterne" from "Amour", for cello, Nr. 44⅔ (1976/98)"44⅔"
?:"Vif, avec entrain (do majeur)""4"
?:"Vif et agité""4"
?:VI - Finale "Land of hope and glory", for contralto solo, with chorus"6"
?:viii "L'alouette calandrelle""13"
?:vii "La rousserolle effarvatte""11"
?:vi "L'alouette lulu""9"
?:Violin is Appalachian fiddle music"1"
?:Violin Sonata #1 in D minor"5"
?:Violin Sonata #2 in D major"6"
?:Violin Sonata #3 in A major"7"
?:Violin Sonata #4 in C (gave rise to a critical scandal at its premiere, juxtaposed with the first sonata by Ludwig Thuille)"8"
?:Violin Sonata #5 in F-sharp minor"9"
?:Violin Sonata #6 in D minor"10"
?:Violin Sonata #7 in A"11"
?:Violin Sonata #8 in E minor"12"
?:Violin Sonata #9 in C minor (1915)"13"
?:Violin Sonata No. 1 in D major"1"
?:Violin Sonata No. 2 in A major"2"
?:Violin Sonata No. 3 in E-flat major"3"
?:Violin Sonata No. 6 in A major"1"
?:Violin Sonata No. 7 in C minor"2"
?:Violin Sonata No. 8 in G major"3"
?:"Vise af 'Mogens', "Song form 'Mogens'""5"
?:"Vise af 'Mogens', "Song from the short story 'Mogens'""5"
?:"Vision congolaise""2"
?:"Vi Sletternes Sønner, "We sons of the plains""1"
?:"Vivace" in F major"6"
?:"Vivace" in F major"6"
?:v "La chouette hulotte""8"
?:Vocalise from "Friends" for unaccompanied chorus (1938)"1"
?:"Vocalise" from "The Fall of Berlin", song for s.a.t.b. chorus a cappella (1950)"3"
?:"Vöglein durchrauscht die Luft""13"
?:Vol. 1. Texts by (1) Helge Rode; (2 & 3) Jeppe Aakjær"1"
?:Vol. 1. Texts by (1) H. Rode; (2 & 3) J Aakjær"1"
?:Vol. 2. Texts by (1) J. Jorgensen; (2) J. Aakjær; (3 & 4) Johs. V. Jensen"5"
?:Vol. 2. Texts by (1) Johs. Jørgensen; (2) Jeppe Aakjær; (3 & 4) Johs. V. Jensen"5"
?:"Volkslied: Es ist bestimmt in Gottes Rath""4"
?:"Volkslied: O sah' ich auf der Haide dort im Sturme dich""5"
?:"Vom Gebirge, Well' auf Well' ""7"
?:"Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her""1"
?:"Vom Strande""6"
?:"Vom Tode""3"
?:"Vom Verwundeten Knaben""2"
?:"Von alten Liebesliedern""2"
?:"Von Ewiger Liebe""1"
?:"Von Waldbekränzter Höhe""1"
?:"Vor Dem Fenster""1"
?:"Vor Der Tür""2"
?:"Vorrei che lo sapessi""15"
?:"Vorrei scoprir l’affanno""16"
?:"Vorschneller Schwur""5"
?:"Vortrag über HU""38½"
?:V - "Peace, gentle peace", for soprano, contralto, tenor and bass soloists and chorus unaccompanied"5"
?:"Während Des Regens""2"
?:"Wahre, wahre deinen Sohn', for alto"5"
?:Walsingham's hymn: "When mighty winter" Гимн Вальсингама: "Когда могучая зима" = Gimn Val'singama: "Kogda mogučaja zima" "(incorporated later into the opera "Feast in Time of Plague)""5"
?:"Wanderlied: Laue Luft kommt blau geflossen""6"
?:"Wanderlied: Vom Grund bis zu den Gipfeln""6"
?:"War es dir, dem diese Lippen bebten""7"
?:"Warm die Lüfte""4"
?:"Wartend (Romanze): Sie trug einen Falken""3"
?:"Warum ist das Licht gegeben den Mühseligen""1"
?:Warum toben die Heiden (Psalm 2)"1"
?:"Was it some Golden Star?""5"
?:"Wasserfahrt: Am fernen Horizonte""4"
?:"Wechsellied Zum Tanze""1"
?:Wedding March"3"
?:"Weg Der Liebe 1""1"
?:"Weg Der Liebe 2""2"
?:"Wehe, So Willst Du Mich Wieder""5"
?:"Weiche Gräser im Revier""8"
?:"Weit und breit schaut niemand mich an""9"
?:"We meet this Morning (The Song of the Young Workers)" from "Counterplan""2"
?:"Wenn Du Nur Zuweilen Lächelst""2"
?:"Wenn ein starker Gewappneter""2"
?:"Wenn sich zwei Herzen scheiden: Wenn sich zwei Herzen scheiden""5"
?:"Wenn's Immer So War" in G major"3"
?:"Wenn so lind dein Augen mir""8"
?:"Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein""3"
?:What I dream about secretly in the quiet of night О чем в тиши ночей таинственно мечтаю = O čem v tiši nočej tainstvenno mečtaju"2"
?:"What She Likes""5"
?:"What She Likes""5"
?:Why is it, my darling Отчего это, милая = Otčego 'eto, milaja"6"
?:"Wie Bist Du, Meine Königin""9"
?:"Wie des Abends schöne Röte""4"
?:"Wie Die Wolke Nach Der Sonne""5"
?:"Wie froh und frisch""14"
?:"Wie Melodien Zieht Es Mir""1"
?:"Wie Rafft Ich Mich Auf In Der Nacht""1"
?:"Wie schnell verschwindet so Licht als Glanz""11"
?:"Wie soll ich die Freude, die Wonne denn tragen?""6"
?:"Willst Du, Dass Ich Geh?""4"
?:"Winterlied: Mein Sohn, wo willst du hin so spät""3"
?:"Wir müssen uns trennen""8"
?:"Wir Wandelten""2"
?:"Wißt ihr, wann mein Kindchen am allerschönsten ist?""3"
?:Without piano"1"
?:With piano"4"
?:"Wo dætter, "Our Daughter""2"
?:"Wo der Goldregen steht""3"
?:"Wohl schön bewandt""7"
?:"Wo ist ein so herrlich Volk""3"
?:"Wonne der Wehmut""1"
?:WoO 57: Andante Favori - Original middle movement of the "Waldstein" sonata (1804)"1"
?:written for Noel Mewton-Wood, who had played the Piano Concerto to Bliss's great satisfaction"1"
?:xiii "Le courlis cendré""20"
?:xii "Le traquet rieur""19"
?:xi "La buse variable""18"
?:x "Le merle de roche""16"
?:Xô, Xô, Passarinho - (Shoo, Shoo, Little Bird)"7"
?:"Yea, cast me from height of the mountains""1"
?:"Yver, vous n'estes qu'un villain""3"
?:"Z 730""1"
?:"Z 731""2"
?:"Z 732""3"
?:"Z 733""4"
?:"Z 734""5"
?:"Z 735""6"
?:"Z 736""7"
?:"Z 737""8"
?:"Z 738""9"
?:"Z 739""10"
?:"Z 740""11"
?:"Z 741""12"
?:"Z 742""13"
?:"Z 743""14"
?:"Z 745""15"
?:"Z 746""16"
?:"Z 747""17"
?:"Z 790""1"
?:"Z 791""2"
?:"Z 792""3"
?:"Z 793""4"
?:"Z 794""5"
?:"Z 795""6"
?:"Z 796""7"
?:"Z 797""8"
?:"Z 798""9"
?:"Z 799""10"
?:"Z 800""11"
?:"Z 801""12"
?:"Z 802""1"
?:"Z 803""2"
?:"Z 804""3"
?:"Z 805""4"
?:"Z 806""5"
?:"Z 807""6"
?:"Z 808""7"
?:"Z 809""8"
?:"Z 810""9"
?:"Z 811""10"
?:Zangou-se o Cravo com a Rosa"1"
?:"Zigeunerlied: Im Nebelgeriesel, im tiefen Schnee""4"
?:"Zum Rundetanz""3"
?:"Zum Schluß: Nun ihr Musen, Genug!""15"