Distinct subjects for predicate ns1:number sorted by frequency

10 "Duo de l´opéra «Der Freischütz» de Weber", (see also: & Op. 70,11)1
10 "Hass und Liebe": "Sie haben mich gequälet"1
10 "Le Meunier et le torrent tiré des Chansons de la Meunière de Fr. Schubert"1
10 "Le page", "Accueille mes vœux châtelaine"1
11 "Die Thräne": "Was will die einsäme Thräne"1
11 "Duet de l´Opéra Der Freischütz de Weber"1
11 "Le fossoyeur", "Oh combien l´homme oublie vite"1
12 "Il mio tesoro", "Air de l´Opéra Don Juan de Mozart".In the Breitkof & Härtel edition pieces 9 and 11 are missing1
12 "La sérénade", "O toi, qu´en secret j´adore"1
12 "Träumen und Wachen": "Ich hatt´im Traum geweinet"1
13 "Des Jägers Haus": "Hier andem grünen Walde"1
13 "Sérénade de l´Opéra Le barbier de Seville de Rossini"1
14 "Der todte Müller": "Die Sterne über´m Thale"1
14 "La dove prende", de l´Opéra La flûte enchantée de Mozart"1
15 "Barcarolle de l´Opéra Gianni di Calais de Donizetti"1
15 "Sprache der Liebe": "Ich hab´es den Blumen gesagt"1
16 "Ein Kamerad": "Einen guten Kameraden fand ich"1
16 "Trio et Duetto La ci darem la mano, de l´Opéra Don Juan de Mozart"1
17 "Sérénade de l´Opéra L´amant jaloux de Grétry"1
17 "Todtengräberlied": "Wie doch so schnell der Mensch vergisst"1
18 "Assisa a piè d´un salice", "de l´Opéra Otello de Rossini"1
18 "Im Dunkeln": "Sie haben heute Abend Gesellschaft"1
19 "Casta diva", "Cavatine de Norma de Bellini"1
19 "Einsiedlers Blumen / Seine Blumen", "Ihr blühet wohl, liebe Blumen"1
1 "Der Schiffer", "Es fahren die Schiffer"1
1 "Ihre Augen": "Du hast Diamanten und Perlen"1
1 "La cadence. Impromptu en forme d´étude"1
1 "Le départ de l´étudiant", "Doux berceaux de mon enfance"1
1 "L'Illusion", ("Illusion")1
1 "Quatuor de l´Opéra: I Puritani de Bellini"1
1. "Sænk kun dit Hoved, du Blomst, "Just Bow Your Head, Oh Flower"1
1. "Sænk kun dit Hoved, du Blomst, "Just Bow Your Head, Oh Flower"1
1. "Skal Blomsterne da visne, "Shall then the Flowers Wither?"1
1. "Skal Blomsterne da visne, "Shall then the Flowers Wither?"1
"1. "To the Children"1
1 "Within the Convent Garden"1
20 "Mon coeur soupire", "Air du Marriage de Figaro"1
20 "Seine Harfe", "O Harfe! Dir hab´ich frühe"1
21 "Quatuor d´Euryanthe de Weber"1
21 "Sein Kreuz", "Sie wanden Dir eine Kron"1
22 "David sur le rocher blanc", "Ancien air de Barde du Pays de Galles"1
22 "Seine Glocken", "Oft wenn ich verzag im Kampfe"1
23 "Chanson et Choeur de Jahreszeiten de Haydn"1
23 "Sein Grab", "Dies Grab hat mir gegraben"1
24 "Fenesta vascia", "Chanson napolitaine"1
24 "Sein Begräbnis", "Und bin ich dereinst verschieden"1
27 "Thränen", No. 1: "Was ist´s, Vater, was ich versprach"1
28 "Thränen", No. 2: "Nicht der Thau, Trau und nicht der Regen"1
29 "Im Herbst": "Ein kalter Todesschauer"1
2. "Den første Lærke, "The first Lark"1
2. "Den første Lærke, "The First Lark"1
2 "Der Wanderer": "In Windsgeräusch"1
2 "Etude de perfection"1
2. "Høgen, "The Hawk"1
2. "Høgen, "The Hawk"1
2 "La curieuse", ("Die Neugierige")1
2 "Le franc archer", "Que la foudre et la tempête"1
2 "Letzter Besuch", "Ich hab' vor ihr gestanden"1
2 "Mid Stormy Winds"1
"2. "The Blue-Eyes Fairy"1
2 "Tre giorni, Air de Pergolese"1
30 "Segen der Grossmutter": "Traum der eignen Tage"1
31 "An den Frühling": "Was lockst du mich"1
32 "Heimlicher Schmerz": "Hast du Schmerzen je getraten"1
33 "Erwachen": "Ich schlief wohl eine lange Nacht"1
34 "Stille der Nacht": "Die Sterne blicken trübe"1
35 "An den Mond": "Wie blickst du feucht und trübe"1
36 "Der Ring": "Du Ring am meinem Finger"1
37 "Des Jägermädchens Klage": "Jetzt wohl geht auf öden Wegen"1
38 "Der Traum": "Im Traum sah ich die Geliebte"1
39 "Der Verlobten": "Wenn deine Hochzeit nahet"1
3 "Abreise": "Der Mond, der scheinet so bleich"1
3 "Adelaide de Beethoven"1
3 Écossaises (1826)1
3. "Husvild, "Homeless"1
3. "Husvild, "Homeless"1
3. "Jens Vejmand, "Jens the Roadmender"1
3. "Jens Vejmand, "Jens the Roadmender"1
3 "La fiancée trahie", "Hier encore la parjure"1
3 "La poste", ("Die Post")1
3 "Mi manca la voce" de l´opéra «Moïse» de Rossini"1
"3. "My Old Tunes"1
3 "O Joyous Smile"1
"3 x Refrain 2000"1
40 "Die Unglückliche": "In Deinen schönen Augen"1
41 "Sommernacht": "Schweigend ruh´ ich hier"1
42 "Abschied": "In meinem dunkeln Leben"1
43 "Nacht": "So schaurig ist die finstere Nacht"1
44 "Vor meiner Wiege": "Das also, das ist der enge Schrein"1
45 "Der Findling": "Ich habe keinen Vater"1
46 "Wanderers Liebesschmerz I": "Es ist für schlimme Augen"1
47 "Wanderers Liebesschmerz II": "Ob sie meiner wohl gedenkt"1
48 "Warum?": "Warum sind denn die Rosen so blass"1
4 "Air d´Église du célèbre chanteur Stradella"1
4 "Fröhliches Scheiden": "Gar fröhlich kann ich scheiden"1
4. "Godnat, "Goodnight"1
4. "Godnat, "Goodnight"1
4 "La faction du soudard", "J´entends galoper dans la prairie"1
4 "La Romanesca, Fameux air de danse du 16ème siècle"1
4 "One Alone hath the token"1
5 "Canzonette italienne, "Felice donzella" de Dessauer"1
5 "Die Nonne": "Im stillen Klostergarten"1
5 "I wept amid my dreaming"1
5 "Lacrimosa tiré du Requiem de Mozart" and "Duo des Nocces de Figaro, Opéra de Mozart"1
5 "Les vœux", "Le front couché sur la pierre"1
6 "Amid the greenwood smiling"1
6 "Der Reitersmann": "Kaum gedacht, war der Lust ein End gemacht"1
6 "Franck, le garde de nuit", "L´horloge sonne quatre heures"1
6 "Perchè mi guardi e piangi", "Duetto de Zelmira, Opéra de Rossini"1
6 "Romance sans paroles"1
7 "Bella adorata incognita", "Romance de l'Opéra Il Giuramento de Mercadante"1
7 "Lebe wohl": "Schöne Wiege meiner Leiden"1
7 "Le départ du lansquenet", "Adieu, Kethy ma belle"1
7 "Nocturne", (see also: ;ref&gt;Pieces 7 - 10 were appended in subsequent editions1
7 "The hour of rest"1
8 "Choeur des conjurés de l'Opéra Il crociato de Meyerbeer"1
8 "Der Strom": "Berg und Burgen schauen herunter"1
8 "Deuxième romance", (A catalogue entry only, the work has not yet been identified.)1
8 "I've sign'd to the rose"1
8 "La ronde du bandoulier", "Libre et fier sur mon coursier"1
9 "Einsam bin ich nicht alleine", "de l´Opéra Preciosa de Weber"1
9 "Le fauconnier", "Voici la fraîche aurore"1
9 "Mitgefühl": "Und wüsstens die Blumen"1
9 "Valse, "Pauline" de Charles de Saint Robert"1
9 "With wirth the cottage"1
Aa grisen hadde eit tryne1
Aa kleggen han sa no te flugga si1
Aa Ole engang i sinde1
A Baratinha de Papel (The Paper Little Cockroach)1
"Abendlied: Das Tagewerk ist abgethan"1
"Abendständchen: Schlafe, Liebchen, weil's auf Erden"1
"Ab imo pectore"1
"Above all praises"1
Above All Praises (Ascension)1
A Bruxa (A Boneca de Pano) - The Witch (The Cloth Doll)1
"Abschied der Zugvögel: Wie war so schön doch Wald und Feld!"1
"Abschiedstafel: So ruckt denn in die Runde"1
"Abschied vom Wald: O Thaler weit, o Höhen"1
A Canoa Virou1
A Canoa Virou - The Canoe Capsized1
Accompaniment of Nos. 1 and 2 of "Victorious Spring", arranged for piano (1945)1
"Ach, arme Welt, du trügst mich"1
"Ach, Wende Diesen Blick"1
A cloudlet: "A storm-cloudlet rushed by over the field" Тучка: "Пронеслась над полем тучка грозовая" = Tučka: "Proneslas' nad polem tučka grozovaja"1
"À Clymène"1
A Condessa - (The Countess)1
Act 11
Act 11
Act 21
Act 21
Act 21
Act 21
Act 21
Act 21
Act 31
Act 31
Act 31
Act 31
Act 31
Act 31
Act 41
Act 41
Act 41
Act 4 (Scene 2)1
Act 51
Act 51
Act 51
Act 5 (Scene 2)1
Acuérdate bien, mío (Remember well, mine)1
Adagietto in E minor1
"Adagio" in D major1
"Adagio" in F major1
"Adagio non troppo" in E major1
Adeus, Bela Morena1
A dream: "I heard a mellifluous melody" Сон : "Я услышал напев сладкозвучный = "Son: Ja uslyšal napev sladkosvučnyj"1
Adspice Domine de sede1
"Ae Lastrae, "The Haypole"1
Aeolian harps: "A drought... the air sleeps" Эоловы арфи: "Засуха... Воздух спит" = 'Eolovy arfi: "Zasukha... vozdukh spit"1
Aften på Højfjeldet1
"Agitato e con fuoco" in B minor1
"Agitato" in A minor1
Agnus Dei1
Agnus Dei1
Agnus Dei1
"Agnus Dei" in F minor1
Agnus Dei (with electronic tape delay and congregation/audience participation)1
"Airs irlandais variés"1
A la Ballada1
"Alborada del gracioso"1
Album Leaf in E flat major1
"Aldrig hans Ord kan jeg glemme"1
"Alla fugue"1
Alla Menuetto, ma poco piu lento1
"Alle Freuden alle Gaben"1
Allegresse in C major1
Allegretto agitato1
Allegretto con grazia1
Allegretto con moto1
Allegretto con moto1
Allegretto con moto1
"Allegretto con moto" in B-flat major1
Allegretto grazioso1
"Allegretto grazioso" in A major ("Frühlingslied" or "Spring Song")1
"Allegretto" in A major1
"Allegretto" in G major1
"Allegretto" in G major1
Allegretto marcato1
"Allegretto (sol majeur)"1
"Allegretto tranquillo" in F-sharp minor ("Venezianisches Gondellied" or Venetian Boat Song No. 2)1
Allegretto tranquilo e grazioso1
Allegro agitato1
Allegro agitato1
"Allegro agitato" in A minor1
Allegro assai1
Allegro assai1
Allegro assai1
"Allegro assai" in G minor1
"Allegro assai" in G minor1
Allegro cantabile1
"Allegro con anima" in G major1
Allegro con burla1
"Allegro con fuoco" in A minor ("Volkslied")1
"Allegro con fuoco" in B-flat major1
Allegro con leggerezza1
Allegro con moto1
Allegro con moto1
Allegro con moto1
Allegro desiderio1
"Allegro di molto" in B-flat minor1
Allegro drammatico1
"Allegro giocoso"1
Allegro giocoso1
"Allegro (la mineur)"1
"Allegro leggiero" in F-sharp minor1
Allegro ma non troppo1
"Allegro moderato"1
Allegro moderato1
Allegro moderato1
Allegro moderato alla marcia1
Allegro moderato e marcato1
"Allegro moderato e pomposo - Andante - I tempo1
"Allegro molto"1
Allegro molto1
Allegro molto e vivace, quasi presto1
"Allegro non troppo" in C minor1
"Allegro non troppo" in E-flat major1
"Allegro non troppo" in E major1
"Allegro non troppo" in G major1
"Allegro non troppo" in G major1
Allegro piacevole; 2. Larghetto; 3. Allegretto1
Allegro scherzando1
Allegro vivace1
"Allegro vivace" in A major ("Kinderstücke")1
"Alles, alles in den Wind"1
"All meine Herzgedanken"1
"Allnächtlich im Traume seh' ich dich: Allnächtlich im Traume"1
also No. 6 (sketches, elaborated by Anthony Payne 2005-06)1
"Altdeutsches Frühlingslied: Der trübe Winter ist vorbei"1
"Altdeutsches Lied: Es ist in den Wald gesungen"1
"Alte Liebe"1
"Am Abend"1
"Am Donaustrande, da steht ein Haus"1
"Âme triste"1
"Am feierabend"1
"Am Gesteine rauscht die Flut"1
"Am Himmel wandre ich"1
"Am Meer"1
"Amour d'antan"1
"Am Sonntag Morgen"1
"Am Strande"1
"Am Strande"1
Andante; 2. Allegretto1
Andante: Allegro molto e risoluto1
"Andante con moto" in A-flat major1
"Andante con moto" in A-flat major ("Duetto")1
"Andante con moto" in A minor ("Venezianisches Gondellied" or Venetian Boat Song No. 3)1
"Andante con moto" in D major1
"Andante con moto" in D major1
"Andante con moto" in E major1
Andante con sentimento1
"Andante espressivo" in A minor1
"Andante espressivo" in E-flat major1
"Andante espressivo" in F major1
"Andante espressivo" in G major1
"Andante grazioso" in D major1
"Andante" in A major1
Andante in B major1
"Andante" in C major1
"Andante" in E-flat major1
"Andante" in E major1
"Andante maestoso" in E minor ("Trauermarsch")1
"Andante moderato"1
Andante molto1
"Andante quasi allegretto"1
Andante quasi allegretto1
"Andante sostenuto" in D major1
"Andante sostenuto" in E-flat major1
"Andante sostenuto" in E-flat major1
"Andante sostenuto" in G minor ("Venezianisches Gondellied" Venetian Boat Song No. 1)1
"Andante tranquillo" in B-flat major1
"Andante un poco agitato" in E minor1
"Andenken: Die Bäume grünen überall"1
"An Den Mond"1
"An die Entfernte: Diese Rose pflück' ich hier"1
"An die fernen Geliebten"1
"An die Heimat"1
"An Die Nachtigall"1
"An Die Stolze"1
"An Die Tauben"1
"An Ein Bild"1
"An Eine Aeolsharfe"1
"An Ein Veilchen"1
Anitras dans1
Anitras Dans1
"An jeder Hand die Finger"1
A) Orchesterfassung1
A Pobrezinha (A Boneca de Trapo) - The Poor Little Doll (The Rag Doll)1
"Après un rêve"1
À Procura de uma Agulha - Looking for a Needle1
Arabisk Dans1
Arabisk Dans1
"A Rondo of Pleyel" in C major1
arranged for Viola and String Orchestra (1976) for Cecil Aronowitz1
Arrangement of Music to "The Bedbug" for piano (1929)1
Arrangement of No. 15 of Twenty-Four Preludes and Fugues for two pianos (1963)1
Arrangement of Nos. 1, 2 and 3 of "Four Romances on Verses by Pushkin" for bass and string orchestra (1936-1937)1
Åses Død1
Åses Død1
"A Song of Flight"1
"Aspen Trees"1
Asperi oculos tuos1
Asperi oculos tuos1
Assai allegro furioso1
"Assez vif, très rythmé"1
A Suite from "Blue Monday" for two pianos was later arranged and has been recorded1
"Au bord de l'eau"1
"Au cimetière"1
"Au cimetière"1
"Auf dem Flusse"1
"Auf Dem Kirchhofe"1
"Auf Dem Schiffe"1
"Auf Dem See"1
"Auf Dem See"1
"Auf dem See: Und frische Nahrung"1
"Auf der Wanderschaft: Ich wand're fort ins ferne Land"1
"Auferstanden, auferstanden"1
"Auf Flügeln des Gesanges: Auf Flügeln des Gesanges"1
"Auf ihrem Grab: Auf ihrem Grab"1
"Aujourd'hui ciel noir" ("Símero mávros uranós"1
"Auprès de cette grotte sombre"1
"Aus tiefer Not schrei' ich zu dir"1
"Aux damoyselles paresseusses"1
"Avant que tu ne t'en ailles"1
"Ave Maria"1
Ave Maria1
"Ave Maria" / "Jesu, Lord of Life and Glory"1
Ave maris stella1
"Ave maris stella" / "Jesu, Meek and Lowly"1
Ave verum1
"Ave verum corpus" / "Jesu, Word of God Incarnate"1
"A Walk into the Future" from "Song of the Forests"1
"Balance All And Swing Partners"1
"Ballade des femmes de Paris: Quoy qu'on tient belles langagières"1
"Ballade de Villon à s'Amye: Faulse beauté qui tant me couste cher"1
Ballade in G minor1
"Ballade que Villon feit à la requeste de sa mère pour prier Nostre Dame: Dame du ciel, régente terrienne"1
Balletto No. 1 in D minor1
Balletto No. 2 in F major1
Balletto No. 3 in D major1
Balletto No. 4 in B-flat major1
Balletto No. 5 in C major1
Balletto No. 6 in G minor1
based on "A Dream Play" by August Strindberg, libretto by the composer1
based on the book by Edith Sitwell, libretto by Geoffrey Dunn1
based on the novel by Graham Greene, libretto by Sidney Gilliat1
based on the novel by Patrick Leigh Fermor, libretto by William Chappell1
bass clarinet, Nr. 85.1 (2006)1
"Beati mortui: Beati mortui in Domino"1
"Beautiful Day" from "The Fall of Berlin", song for two-part children's chorus and piano (1950)1
Bedstemors Menuet1
"Bei der Wiege: Schlummre! Schlummre und träume von kommender Zeit"1
"Bei dir allein"1
"Bei Dir Sind Meine Gedanken"1
"Beim Abschied1
"Bel fantasmo tu fosti al mio pensiero"1
"Bella, perché tu forsi"1
"Beneath The Southern Cross"1
Benedictus for two sopranos and harp (1890)1
"Benedictus" in F major1
Berceuse : "Dors, mon fieux, dors"1
B) Für Streichquartett, von Haydn selbst bearbeitet1
"Biondo crin, occhio nero, e sen d’avorio"1
"Bitteres Zu Sagen Denkst Du"1
"Blinde Kuh"1
"Blues. Moderato (la bémol majeur)"1
"Bluhe Liebes Veilhen" in G major1
"Bokserne, "The Boxers"1
Bondens Sang1
Book 11
Book 11
Book 21
Book 2, (1833-1834)1
Book 31
Book 3, (1836-1837)1
Book 41
Book 4, (1839-1841)1
Book 51
Book 5, (1842-1844)1
Book 61
Book 6, (1843-1845)1
Book 71
Book 7, (1834-1845)1
Book 8, (1842-1845)1
Branquinha (A Boneca de Louça) - Little White Doll (The Porcelain Doll)1
"Brauner Bursche führt zum Tanze"1
"Brennessel steht an Weges Rand"1
Brudefølget drager forbi1
Brudefølget drar forbi1
Bruderovet - Ingrids Klage1
Bruremarsch ( efter Møllarguten )1
Bruremarsch fra Telemarken1
Bryllupsdag på Troldhaugen1
BuxWV 252 - Sonata in F major for violin, viola da gamba and basso continuo1
BuxWV 253 - Sonata in G major for violin, viola da gamba and basso continuo1
BuxWV 254 - Sonata in A minor for violin, viola da gamba and basso continuo1
BuxWV 255 - Sonata in B-flat major for violin, viola da gamba and basso continuo1
BuxWV 256 - Sonata in C major for violin, viola da gamba and basso continuo1
Skipped 3,770 rows
Suite from "Golden Mountains" for orchestra (1931)1
Suite from "Hamlet" for orchestra (1964)1
Suite from "Hamlet" for small orchestra (1932)1
Suite from "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District" for orchestra (1930-1932)1
Suite from "Meeting on the Elbe" for voices and orchestra (1948)1
Suite from "Michurin" for chorus and orchestra (1964)1
Suite from "Pirogov" for orchestra (1947)1
Suite from "The Adventures of Korzinkina"1
Suite from "The Age of Gold" for orchestra (1929-1930)1
Suite from "The Bedbug" for orchestra (1929)1
Suite from "The Bolt" for orchestra (1931)1
Suite from "The Fall of Berlin" for chorus and orchestra (1950)1
Suite from "The First Echelon" for chorus and orchestra (1956)1
Suite from "The Gadfly" for orchestra (1955)1
Suite from "The Limpid Stream" for orchestra (1934-1935)1
Suite from "The Nose", for tenor, baritone and orchestra (1927-1928)1
Suite from "The Tale of the Priest and of His Workman Balda"1
Suite from "The Young Guard"1
Suite from "Zoya" for chorus and orchestra (1944)1
Suite; includes:1
Suite; includes:1
Suite (Movements 2-9)1
Suite of Five Fragments from the Opera "Katarina Izmailova" for orchestra (1963)1
Suite on Verses by Buonarrotti for bass and orchestra (1975)1
Suite pour Violes de Gambe No. 1 in E minor1
Suite pour Violes de Gambe No. 2 in A major1
Suite (prepared by Glazunov and M. Steinberg)1
"Suleika: Ach, um deine feuchten Schwingen"1
"Suleika und Hatem: An des lust'gen Brunnens Rand"1
"Suleika: Was bedeutet die Bewegung?"1
Sumit unus, summunt mille1
"Surgi de la croupe et du bond"1
Surrexit pastor1
"Süss sind mir die Schollen des Tales"1
Svundne Dage1
Symphonic Prologue to a Tragedy1
Symphonic Suite "Gloriana" for tenor or oboe and orchestra, 19541
"Synthi-Fou (Klavierstück XV)"1
"Tarantella" from "The Gadfly"1
Tempo de Menuetto ed energico1
Tempo di valse1
Tempo di Valse in E minor1
Tempo di Valse moderato in C sharp minor1
Tenth Hour: "Glanz"1
Terezinha de Jesus1
"The Black Man"1
"The Bridegroom"1
"The Bridegroom"1
The burnt letter: "Farewell, love-letter, farewell" Сожженное письмо : "Прощай, письмо любви, прощай" = Sožženoe pis'mo: "Proščaj, pis'mo ljubvi, proščaj"1
"The Campfire Girls"1
"The Crafty Villain And The Timid Maid"1
"The Dance (Sonnenbichl)"; 2. "Lullaby (In Hammersbach)"; 3. "The Marksmen (Bei Murnau)"1
"The Destruction Of Pompeii And Nydia's Death"1
"The Double-End"1
"The Double-End"1
"The Fountain"1
"The Fourth of August"1
"The Friends Of The Children"; six easy sonatinas1
"The Genial Hostess"1
"The Kaffir On The Karoo"1
"The King Of France With Twenty-Thousand Men Marched Up The Hill And Then Down Again."1
"The Lass of Richmond Hill" in G major1
"The Lass of Richmond Hill" in G major (1
"The Lively Flapper"1
The Masque1
Theme, "(Enigma)" (andante); Var.1. "C.A.E." (andante); 2. "H.D.S.-P." (allegro); 3. "R.B.T." (allegretto); 4. "W.M.B." (allegro di molto); 5. "R.P.A." (moderato); 6. "Ysobel" (andantino); 7. "Troyte" (presto); 8. "W.N." (allegretto); 9. "Nimrod" (adagio); 10. Intermezzo, "Dorabella" (allegretto); 11. "G.R.S." (allegro di molto); 12. "B.G.N." (andante); 13. Romanza, "***" (moderato); Finale, "E.D.U." (allegro)1
"The Messenger"1
"The Messenger"1
"The Plough Boy" in C major1
"The Red Man"1
"There is sweet Music"1
"There Were Kisses"1
"The Ring"1
"The Ring"1
"The River"1
"The Sad River"1
"The Sad River"1
"The Serenaders"1
"The Shepherd's Song"1
"The Shower"1
"The Snow"1
The statue at Tsarskoye Selo: "Having dropped a urn of water" Царскосельская статуя: "Урну с водой уронив" = Carskosel'skaja statuja: "Urnu s vodoj uroniv"1
"The Torch"1
"The Warrior"1
"The Warrior"1
"The White Man"1
"The Wish"1
"The Wish"1
Third Entry1
Third Hour: "Natürliche Dauern 1-24"1
Thirteenth Hour: "Cosmic Pulses", electronic music, Nr. 93 (2006-07)1
This was premiered at the same 1931 concert as William Walton's "Belshazzar's Feast"1
Thou and you: "The empty 'you' with the heartfelt 'thou'" Ты и вы : "Пустое вы, сердечным ты" = Ty i vy: "Pustoe vy, serdečnym ty"1
"Though, O Jehovah, Abideth Forever"1
"Thou, Lord, our refuge hast been"1
Thou, Lord, Our Refuge (New Year)1
Three Musical Pictures (introductions to Act 1, Act 2, and Act 4, Tableau 2)1
Three Songs from "Meeting on the Elbe" for voice and piano (1956)1
"Through the Long Days"1
"Tiefe Sehnsucht"1
"Tierces majeures chromatiques"1
"Tierces majeures et mineures"1
"Til Asali, "To Asali"1
"Til Asali, "To Asali"1
Til Foråret1
"T'intendo si, mio cor"1
"Toccata d'après le cinquième concerto"1
Todo Mundo Passa1
To-stemmig Preludium1
Tota pulchra es1
"Tournoiement (Songe d'opium)"1
"Toves Sang, "Tove’s song"1
"To Women"1
"Traaden brister, "The Thread Snaps"1
"Traits chromatiques"1
Transcribed for cello and 13 string instruments (1982)1
Transcribed for children’s choir and orchestra (1952)1
Transcribed for clarinet and chamber orchestra (1955)1
Transcribed for mezzo-soprano and orchestra (1953)1
Transcribed for nine instruments (1959)1
Transcribed for soprano and instrumental ensemble (1958)1
Transcribed for soprano voice, female chorus and orchestra (1984-1989) 45-50’1
Transcribed for voice and chamber orchestra (1952)1
Transcription of Op. 147 for cello and piano (1975)1
Transcription of Prelude Op. 34 No. 14 for orchestra (1932-1933)1
Transcription of Scherzo in E-flat major for solo piano (1923-1924)1
Transcription of Theme and Variations in B-flat major for solo piano (1921-1922)1
Transcription of Twenty-Four Preludes for orchestra (1932-1933)1
Transcription of Twenty-Four Preludes for violin and piano (1932-1933)1
Transcription of "Two Fables of Krilov" for mezzo-soprano and piano (1922)1
"Traun! Bogen und Pfeil sind gut für den Feind"1
"Tree, leafless"1
"Très lent"1
Très lent, contemplatif1
"Très vif (la mineur)"1
"Treue Liebe"1
"Treue Liebe dauert lange"1
"Trinklied: So lang man nüchtern ist"1
Trio concertant Op.1 No.1 in F# major (M. 1)1
Trio concertant Op.1 No.2 "Trio de salon"1
Trio concertant Op.1 No.3 (M. 3)1
Trio concertant Op.2 (M. 4)1
Trio for piano, flute or violin and cello1
Trio for piano, violin and cello1
Trio for piano, violin and cello1
Trio for piano, violin and cello1
Trio for piano, violin and cello1
Trio for piano, violin and cello1
Trio for piano, violin and cello1
Trio No. 11
Trio No. 11
Trio No. 11
Trio No. 11
Trio No. 11
Trio No. 11
Trio No. 11
Trio No. 11
Trio No. 21
Trio No. 21
Trio No. 21
Trio No. 21
Trio No. 21
Trio No. 21
Trio No. 21
Trio No. 21
Trio No. 31
Trio No. 31
Trio No. 31
Trio No. 31
Trio No. 31
Trio No. 31
Trio No. 31
"Trockne Blumen"1
"Trois beaux oiseaux du paradis"1
Troisième Leçon de Ténèbres1
"Trois moines crétois" ("Trîs kalogéri kritikí"1
"Trompette et tambour"1
"Trost In Tränen"1
"Tröstung: Werde heiter, mein Gemüthe"1
trumpet, Nr. 85.3 (2006)1
"Türkisches Schenkenlied: Setze mir nicht, du Grobian"1
Tussebrurefæra på Vossevangen1
Twelfth Hour: "Erwachen"1
"Twelve little Pieces on his own songs from for Violin and Piano"1
Twentieth Hour: "Edentia", for soprano saxophone and electronic music, Nr. 100 (2007)1
Twenty-first Hour: "Paradies"1
"Two little Sonatas for Violin and Piano"1
"Two Pewits"1
Two Rondos And Two Fugues1
Two Songs from the Music to "The First Echelon" for voice and piano (1956)1
"Tyst som Aa i Engen rinder, "As Quietly as the Stream Runs in the Meadow"1
Tyven og mottageren1
"Über den Bergen"1
"Über die Grenzen des All"1
"Über Die Heide"1
"Über Die See"1
"Unbewegte Laue Luft"1
"Under The American Flag"1
"Under The Cuban Flag"1
"Under the Elder"1
"Under The Spanish Flag"1
"Une barque sur l'océan"1
"Une perdrix descendait" ("Mià pérdika katévene"1
"Une Sainte en son auréole"1
Ungersvenden han bad sin pige1
"Un poco agitato, ma andante" in G minor1
"Unsere Väter hofften auf dich"1
"Urians Reise um die Welt"1
"Vægter, jeg beder, "Watchman I Beg You"1
"Vaisseaux, nous vous aurons aimés"1
Valse in C-sharp minor (1846)1
Valse mélancolique1
Vamos Atrás de Serra, Calunga - Let's Go to the Mountain, Calunga1
Vamos, Maninha1
Vamos Ver a Mulatinha1
Våren (A. O. Vinje)1
Variation III "Un poco piu mosso"1
Variation II "Piu mosso"1
Variation I "L'istesso tempo"1
Variation IV "L'istesso tempo"1
Variation IX "Quasi adagio"1
Variations for piano1
Variations on a Theme of Mozart1
Variation VII "Allegro moderato"1
Variation VIII "Andante molto moderato"1
Variation VI "Molto adagio"1
Variation V "Un poco piu mosso"1
Variation X "Allegro vivo"1
Variation XI "Andante molto, moderato espressivo"1
Vårt løsen1
Ved Gellerts Grav1
Ved Gellerts Grav1
"Veilles-tu, ma senteur de soleil?"1
"Venetianisches Gondellied: Wenn durch die Piazetta"1
Veni, Domine1
"Vergangen ist mir Glück und Heil"1
"Vergangen Ist Mir Glück Und Heil"1
"Vergebliches Ständchen"1
"Verlorne Jugend"1
"Verlust: Und wussten's die Blumen"1
version. A new Adagio, plus a coda for the Scherzo (not retained in the next two versions)1
version. A new "Hunting" Scherzo and the "Volkfest" Finale1
Version for male chorus1
Version for male chorus and piano (1951)1
Version for mezzo-soprano and chamber orchestra (1953)1
Version for mixed chorus a capella (1951)1
Version for mixed chorus a capella (1951)1
Version for mixed chorus and male chorus a capella (1952)1
Version for mixed chorus and orchestra (1952)1
Version for mixed chorus and orchestra (1952)1
Version for piano and orchestra (1979)1
Version for symphonic orchestra (1951)1
Version for viola and cello (1962)1
Version for violin and orchestra (1988)1
Version for voice and chamber orchestra (1953)1
version. Harp in the Trio, fewer cymbal clashes in the Adagio1
version "Linzer"1
version. Some Wagner quotations were removed1
version "Wiener"1
version with the Adagio second and the Scherzo third1
version with the Scherzo second and the Adagio third1
"Verzicht, o Herz, auf Rettung"1
Veslemøy lengtar1
"Vibekes Sang, "Vibeke’s song"1
"Vielgeliebte schöne Frau"1
Viennese Dances1
"Vier Lieder Aus Dem Jungbrunnen (1)"1
"Vier Lieder Aus Dem Jungbrunnen (2)"1
"Vier Lieder Aus Dem Jungbrunnen (3)"1
"Vier Lieder Aus Dem Jungbrunnen (4)"1
"Vier Sterne" from "Amour", for cello, Nr. 44⅔ (1976/98)1
"Vif, avec entrain (do majeur)"1
"Vif et agité"1
VI - Finale "Land of hope and glory", for contralto solo, with chorus1
viii "L'alouette calandrelle"1
vii "La rousserolle effarvatte"1
vi "L'alouette lulu"1
Violin is Appalachian fiddle music1
Violin Sonata #1 in D minor1
Violin Sonata #2 in D major1
Violin Sonata #3 in A major1
Violin Sonata #4 in C (gave rise to a critical scandal at its premiere, juxtaposed with the first sonata by Ludwig Thuille)1
Violin Sonata #5 in F-sharp minor1
Violin Sonata #6 in D minor1
Violin Sonata #7 in A1
Violin Sonata #8 in E minor1
Violin Sonata #9 in C minor (1915)1
Violin Sonata No. 1 in D major1
Violin Sonata No. 2 in A major1
Violin Sonata No. 3 in E-flat major1
Violin Sonata No. 6 in A major1
Violin Sonata No. 7 in C minor1
Violin Sonata No. 8 in G major1
"Vise af 'Mogens', "Song form 'Mogens'"1
"Vise af 'Mogens', "Song from the short story 'Mogens'"1
"Vision congolaise"1
"Vi Sletternes Sønner, "We sons of the plains"1
"Vivace" in F major1
"Vivace" in F major1
v "La chouette hulotte"1
Vocalise from "Friends" for unaccompanied chorus (1938)1
"Vocalise" from "The Fall of Berlin", song for s.a.t.b. chorus a cappella (1950)1
"Vöglein durchrauscht die Luft"1
Vol. 1. Texts by (1) Helge Rode; (2 &amp; 3) Jeppe Aakjær1
Vol. 1. Texts by (1) H. Rode; (2 &amp; 3) J Aakjær1
Vol. 2. Texts by (1) J. Jorgensen; (2) J. Aakjær; (3 &amp; 4) Johs. V. Jensen1
Vol. 2. Texts by (1) Johs. Jørgensen; (2) Jeppe Aakjær; (3 &amp; 4) Johs. V. Jensen1
"Volkslied: Es ist bestimmt in Gottes Rath"1
"Volkslied: O sah' ich auf der Haide dort im Sturme dich"1
"Vom Gebirge, Well' auf Well' "1
"Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her"1
"Vom Strande"1
"Vom Tode"1
"Vom Verwundeten Knaben"1
"Von alten Liebesliedern"1
"Von Ewiger Liebe"1
"Von Waldbekränzter Höhe"1
"Vor Dem Fenster"1
"Vor Der Tür"1
"Vorrei che lo sapessi"1
"Vorrei scoprir l’affanno"1
"Vorschneller Schwur"1
"Vortrag über HU"1
V - "Peace, gentle peace", for soprano, contralto, tenor and bass soloists and chorus unaccompanied1
"Während Des Regens"1
"Wahre, wahre deinen Sohn', for alto1
Walsingham's hymn: "When mighty winter" Гимн Вальсингама: "Когда могучая зима" = Gimn Val'singama: "Kogda mogučaja zima" "(incorporated later into the opera "Feast in Time of Plague)"1
"Wanderlied: Laue Luft kommt blau geflossen"1
"Wanderlied: Vom Grund bis zu den Gipfeln"1
"War es dir, dem diese Lippen bebten"1
"Warm die Lüfte"1
"Wartend (Romanze): Sie trug einen Falken"1
"Warum ist das Licht gegeben den Mühseligen"1
Warum toben die Heiden (Psalm 2)1
"Was it some Golden Star?"1
"Wasserfahrt: Am fernen Horizonte"1
"Wechsellied Zum Tanze"1
Wedding March1
"Weg Der Liebe 1"1
"Weg Der Liebe 2"1
"Wehe, So Willst Du Mich Wieder"1
"Weiche Gräser im Revier"1
"Weit und breit schaut niemand mich an"1
"We meet this Morning (The Song of the Young Workers)" from "Counterplan"1
"Wenn Du Nur Zuweilen Lächelst"1
"Wenn ein starker Gewappneter"1
"Wenn sich zwei Herzen scheiden: Wenn sich zwei Herzen scheiden"1
"Wenn's Immer So War" in G major1
"Wenn so lind dein Augen mir"1
"Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein"1
What I dream about secretly in the quiet of night О чем в тиши ночей таинственно мечтаю = O čem v tiši nočej tainstvenno mečtaju1
"What She Likes"1
"What She Likes"1
Why is it, my darling Отчего это, милая = Otčego 'eto, milaja1
"Wie Bist Du, Meine Königin"1
"Wie des Abends schöne Röte"1
"Wie Die Wolke Nach Der Sonne"1
"Wie froh und frisch"1
"Wie Melodien Zieht Es Mir"1
"Wie Rafft Ich Mich Auf In Der Nacht"1
"Wie schnell verschwindet so Licht als Glanz"1
"Wie soll ich die Freude, die Wonne denn tragen?"1
"Willst Du, Dass Ich Geh?"1
"Winterlied: Mein Sohn, wo willst du hin so spät"1
"Wir müssen uns trennen"1
"Wir Wandelten"1
"Wißt ihr, wann mein Kindchen am allerschönsten ist?"1
Without piano1
With piano1
"Wo dætter, "Our Daughter"1
"Wo der Goldregen steht"1
"Wohl schön bewandt"1
"Wo ist ein so herrlich Volk"1
"Wonne der Wehmut"1
WoO 57: Andante Favori - Original middle movement of the "Waldstein" sonata (1804)1
written for Noel Mewton-Wood, who had played the Piano Concerto to Bliss's great satisfaction1
xiii "Le courlis cendré"1
xii "Le traquet rieur"1
xi "La buse variable"1
x "Le merle de roche"1
Xô, Xô, Passarinho - (Shoo, Shoo, Little Bird)1
"Yea, cast me from height of the mountains"1
"Yver, vous n'estes qu'un villain"1
"Z 730"1
"Z 731"1
"Z 732"1
"Z 733"1
"Z 734"1
"Z 735"1
"Z 736"1
"Z 737"1
"Z 738"1
"Z 739"1
"Z 740"1
"Z 741"1
"Z 742"1
"Z 743"1
"Z 745"1
"Z 746"1
"Z 747"1
"Z 790"1
"Z 791"1
"Z 792"1
"Z 793"1
"Z 794"1
"Z 795"1
"Z 796"1
"Z 797"1
"Z 798"1
"Z 799"1
"Z 800"1
"Z 801"1
"Z 802"1
"Z 803"1
"Z 804"1
"Z 805"1
"Z 806"1
"Z 807"1
"Z 808"1
"Z 809"1
"Z 810"1
"Z 811"1
Zangou-se o Cravo com a Rosa1
"Zigeunerlied: Im Nebelgeriesel, im tiefen Schnee"1
"Zum Rundetanz"1
"Zum Schluß: Nun ihr Musen, Genug!"1