Table for the 18 triples with object "Boat Club" on predicate ns1:place sorted by label

?:Performance 1025 in Boat Clubns1:place
?:Performance 2077 in Boat Clubns1:place
?:Performance 2179 in Boat Clubns1:place
?:Performance 2391 in Boat Clubns1:place
?:Performance 277 in Boat Clubns1:place
?:Performance 2876 in Boat Clubns1:place
?:Performance 289 in Boat Clubns1:place
?:Performance 3903 in Boat Clubns1:place
?:Performance 849 in Boat Clubns1:place
?:Recording 1025 in Boat Clubns1:place
?:Recording 2077 in Boat Clubns1:place
?:Recording 2179 in Boat Clubns1:place
?:Recording 2391 in Boat Clubns1:place
?:Recording 277 in Boat Clubns1:place
?:Recording 2876 in Boat Clubns1:place
?:Recording 289 in Boat Clubns1:place
?:Recording 3903 in Boat Clubns1:place
?:Recording 849 in Boat Clubns1:place